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​Darth Seer

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"Who do you think the Force truly favours in the web? The spider, or the fly?"


Table of contents:

Title/Name: Darth Seer

Birth name: Subject Delta


Aliases: Seer has multiple identities to serve his various purposes.

  • Knightfall—Darkside assassin, considered by most to be an urban myth.

  • Darth Eresh'kan—Reclusive Sith alchemist. Seer uses this stolen identity when wanting to deal with people as a Sith, but not as his true self. (no longer in use)

  • Jim Kor—Mercenary gun-for-hire.

  • Bob Nutura—CEO of Nutura Industries, a genetics and technology research facility in the Chimera system. Seer never appears in person with this name, but instead uses a hologram-projecting droid.


Birthplace: Dxun laboratory

Height: 6'7" / 200 cm

Weight: 235 lb / 106 kg

Age: 110 years approx—Seer was born about three years after the death of T'Penn, when Sage was 27. Having both Gaian and Iegan DNA, he is extremely long lived.

Eyes: Dark brown


Hair: Black


Citizenship: None, Seer has no legal birth certificate, possesses multiple fake passports

Marital Status: Single, not looking

Education: Trained by Sith scientists to function as a living weapon, educated by various life experiences: the experiments done to him, living on the street and in the wild, and in the arena pits.
Later sought out various sources of Dark Side lore, especially in alchemy, focusing on genetics and weapon forging, from tombs of Korriban and Sith Lords, who he either, killed after ward, or, if they were too powerful, had them found by the Jedi. 




  • Galactic Basic

  • Kotoran (Gaian)

  • Iegan

  • Huttese - Limited conversational ability.

  • High Sith (Sith Hieroglyphs)

  • Sith Cuneiform

  • Kittât (Sith Alphabet)

  • Massassi - Conversational ability, enough to give orders, and understand guard reports.

Affiliation: Himself - while he is still a member of the Sith Order, since the Naboo War and the Galactic War, Seer has lost faith in most Sith other than himself. Even the few Sith he's trained, are only tolerated for their usefulness, and he has no regard for the so called "Sith Intelligence" organisation.



  • Sith Lord

  • Nar Shaddaa crime boss in the Southern sector, that deals in weapons, underground fighting, and "companionship" - the workers are very well treated. These days, most of his operations are managed by his second in command, Hetheus.

  • CEO of Nutura Industries, which deals in scientific research, via his alias Bob Nutura, although this asset is also managed primarily by one of his lieutenants, Rala Kados, when Seer is busy with cool stuff.

Bases of Operations:


  • The Basilisk--Modified CEC Action VI transport (Mobile) - owned by Seer, captained by his underling, Seren.

  • Nutura Industries sub-levels, located in the Chimera system

  • Iego 6 temple

  • Nar Shaddaa fortress

Force Alignment: Darkside, Sith Master


Species: Gaian / Iegan / Red Sith Hybrid - The product of Sith alchemical genetic engineering, using the DNA of Sage (Gaian) and Deanta Aislinn (Iegan/Pureblood-Sith hybrid), subject Delta, now Darth Seer, possesses the following physical traits:

  • Enhanced strength5x peak human.

  • TelepathyPrimary focus on intelligence gathering, for scientific knowledge, and psychological manipulation.

  • Enhanced  biological resilienceSeer experimented on himself after becoming a Sith Lord, giving himself increased stamina, as well as resistance to radiation, disease, extreme cold weather, and the vacuum of space.
    He still needs to breathe, but needs only eye protection and an air-supply, when outside of a ship—the masks and helmets he wears are designed to take advantage of this trait.
    While he can survive in space, he still needs to breathe, eat and drink, so he can't stay in space forever.
    A side effect of his self-experimentation, was the activation of his Pureblood-Sith DNA—as a result, normal Dark Side corruption does not cause him physical health issues.

  • Low light visionin his right eye only, another self augmentation. He considered doing this to both eyes, but reasoned that if he were ever captured and his eye-wear confiscated, he'd be at the mercy of bright lights. With one eye left normal, he could still function with 50% of his normal vision.

  • TalonsAll of his fingers and toes have retractable razor sharp claws, that can tear through flesh and bone. They are rarely used however, since swords and lightsabres can do more damage, still, they are handy when no weapons are available, and can assist in climbing.


As part of his Gaian heritage, he still dehydrates faster than most beings, and while he can defend against illusions, he must work harder to do so.
Without special eye-wear, his right eye is vulnerable to bright lights, and even with his normal eye, seeing with one eye means no depth perception. To attain depth perception in the dark, his left eye needs specially made night vision gear.

Not related to his abilities, another side effect of his self experimentation and possible past traumas, has left Seer afflicted with dissociative identity disorder, at times confusing the fake identities he uses for his own purposes, as being real. He is also haunted by some of the spirits of Sith Lords he has killed in the past.
To maintain his sanity, he must practice regular dark side meditation, to keep the voices silent—With the right rituals, he can call upon the knowledge of those whose minds he has siphoned telepathically.


Weapons and Equipment:


Darth Seer has multiple weapon sets depending on what identity he is using. Each identity has its own unique strategies to prevent people connecting them all as the same person with different masks. Some of them possess some sort of Sith forged weapon, a sword or similar, that are impervious to lightsabres.

This page will list what Seer carries when he is not using an alias. To see what is alter egos carry, click on their names below:


Darth Seer - Standard weapons:


  • Double bladed lightsabre--red blades that can be operated independently, with hilts that can split into two separate weapons.

  • Sith forged broadsword

  • Sith forged war-axe

  • Armoured glove talons--moulded to match the shape of his natural claws.

Click above images to enlarge



A mixture of the plates, mesh, and armour-weave, his armour has been made to attain optimal flexibility, durability, and minimal weight. It can withstand projectile rounds and fixed blades, but grants no protection from lightsabres or blaster bolts.

Each section of the armour possesses the following features:


  • MaskFeatures include:

    • Encrypted com-link

    • Air filter

    • Protective eyewear, including an adjustable glare reduction lens for his right eye, and night-vision for his left eye.

    • Sith runes that prevent the mask from being removed against Seer's will.

    • Sealing function - when activated, the mask uses built-in A99 air capsules containing two hours worth of air. Seer carries several spare capsules on his person, at all times, just in case he's trapped in an airlock about to open,  or similar.

  • Left GauntletConcealed wrist-computer with holographic display.

  • Right GauntletConcealed ascension cable-hook launcher.

  • BootsMagnatomic soles.

  • GlovesCrafted with moulded blade-tips, to match his natural talons.


Mastered Lightsabre styles:


  • Form VII / Juyo: Known as The Ferocity Form and The Way of the Vornsker, this form is as aggressive as it is chaotic, and considered by most Weapons Masters as the best counter for Soresu.
    One of the most demanding and least taught forms among the Jedi, due to its seeming violation of the Jedi code, Seer had no qualms in studying the fury and malignant grace, of this unpredictable style--a perfect reflection of how Seer saw himself--he knew well the value of rage, but also of control. The greatest risk of Juyo, to Jedi and Sith alike, was being lost in the chaos.

    Seer had no such fear, having spent years learning well the value of patient fury, being a captive of both, Sith who experiment on him during childhood, and the arena slavers, who captured and forced him to fight. He bade his time, until organising a revolt, all the while, letting his anger build, along with his capacity to control it--the red haze isn't where he risks losing himself, it's his home--it was this mindset that the Sith Blademaster Salo'mei, saw in Seer, that convinced her to personally teach him this form.


  • From VI / Niman & Jar'Kai: It may have seemed an odd choice for Seer to use something known as the Moderation/Diplomat's form, a form for those who wanted only the basics of combat, but as Seer was already proficient in dual wielding a sword and axe, from his time in the fighting pits, he had two choices, if he wanted to study the sub-form of Jar'Kai: Ataru and Niman.
    At first he was ready to focus on Ataru, convinced that Niman was useless, as his studies revealed that Niman practitioners were often the first to fall in battle, but this raised the question of why so many Jedi and even Sith bothered with it—
    further research showed that some of the greatest Blademasters in history, trained heavily in Niman—this was it, Niman's steep learning curve was the reason Niman users were cannon fodder, while Niman masters were deadly—Niman was touted as a form that had no weaknesses, but no special strengths, except this wasn't entirely true, as Seer realised that because it was a hybrid style, borrowing practical techniques from all other forms, those who trained diligently in Niman would be truly formidable.
    This sealed his decision, which has since served him well, as he found Niman not only helped with dual wielding, but at higher levels of training, it included techniques that incorporated telekinetic force moves.

    The Jar'Kai aspect of Niman is of special value to Seer, as it was actually developed by swordsmen, predating the creation of the lightsabre, and the sword and axe, were his first weapons.



Lightsabre forms


Darth Seer owns a small personal fleet of ships for various uses. Only two of them are used often, one is a mobile base, the other, a multi-purpose dropship/shuttle.

The others are mainly for show, to maintain the illusion of separate identities, but it is more common for Seer to use the Bag of Tricks, since its cloak is usually enough to prevent his movements from being tracked:


  • The BasiliskModified Action IV transport, a mobile base of operations, disguised as a bulk freighter.

  • Bag of TricksModified Telgorn dropship, fitted with hyperdrive, combat-grade armour and weapons, a sensor jamming system, and a cloaking system. It is Seer's second most used ship. He uses this for missions where the Basilisk is too large. Occasionally used as Jim Kor, a part time enforcer of Seer's crew. Usually docked in the Basilisk when not in use.

  • J'Kar's EchoPunworcca 116-class interstellar sloop, rarely used, it is only needed when he must meet with others as Darth Eresh'Kan, with a vessel befitting the status of such a revered alchemist. Piloted by a droid when it is used, as driving is too menial a task for a Dark Lord.

  • Unregistered RZ-1 A-wing interceptorPossibly the ship of the assassin Knightfall, based on blurry security footage and a handful of inconsistent eyewitnesses.

  • Various swoop bikes

    The Basilisk:

    A heavily modified Corellian Engineering Corporation Action VI transport used by Darth Seer as a mobile base of operations. Underneath the craft's dented and worn hull plates was concealed an incredible mobile base of operations for Seer and his crew of mercenaries.

    Seren serves as its captain, but he still takes orders from Seer. He keeps the ship crew in line, when the Sith Lord is away.


Length: 125 metres

Maximum acceleration: 2,460 G

Maximum speed (atmosphere): 950 km/h


Hyperdrive rating: Class 1.0 (Backup: Class 10)

Warship-grade shielding with independent power

Hull: Reinforced with concealed armor


Sensor systems: Warship-grade sensors

Countermeasures: Sensor mask, False transponder registries

Armament: Turbolasers (3)

Vehicle Complement: Swoop bikes (5), Shuttle "Bag of Tricks" ( in cargo space)

Recommended crew: 10, Pilot (1)

Minimum crew: 2

Cargo capacity: 50,000 metric tons

Consumables: 6 months

Other systems: Hypercomm array, HoloNet transceiver, Medical equipment, Sith-hound kennel

An Action VI class bulk freighter fresh off the CEC's assembly lines would be a ponderous and ungainly space transport that lacked armaments of any kind and could hold immense amounts of raw materials in its vast holds.

However, the Basilisk was no ordinary freighter. Seer had made many important modifications to his ship that allowed it to hold its own against the Republic patrols that often came to check his vessel. Three heavy retractable turbolasers were added, giving the ship a firepower that no common pirate could ever expect. The entirety of the hull was doubly reinforced with giant durasteel plates that matched the color of the original, unmodified hull so as not to tip off pursuers. Deflector shields and a large power source were also secreted deep in the bowels of the ship.


Its sensor package incorporated a sensor masking device that was powerful enough to conceal the Basilisk from passive scans. The machinery also transmitted false transponders to any ship inquiring about the nature of the cargo aboard the vessel, while operating under many false names and registries.

Bag of Tricks:


The Bag of Tricks is a modified Telgorn dropship used by Darth Seer as a multi-purpose craft, for missions and projects that call for transport, where the Basilisk is too large. When not in use, it is usually docked in his mobile base of operations.

The ship has been heavily customized and re-purposed by Seer, who installed upgraded armor and weapons and an advanced hyperdrive.

Length: 17 metres


Maximum acceleration: 2,700G


Maximum speed (atmosphere): 1000 km/h


Hyperdrive rating: Class 1.0


Countermeasures: Sensor mask, Cloaking system, False transponder registries


Armament: 1 top mounted laser turret,  2 heavy laser cannons, 1 ion cannon

Minimum crew: 1

Cargo capacity: 40 tons





Many decades ago, a group of Sith combined their resources, to focus on bringing forth the fulfillment of the Harbinger prophecy: a child born of darkness and light, of sky and sea, strong enough to harness the power of the seven ancient dark spirits, and resist the light entirely, destined to be the Sith's greatest weapon and leader against the Jedi.

They saw a means to fulfill this, by hiring scientists to combine the DNA of a Sith assassin and a Jedi warrior, one of part Iegan blood, the other of Gaian royalty.


They created five test subjects, designated Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. Beta and Gamma were considered defective, while Epsilon showed the most promise in terms of genetic potential, with Alpha and Seer as possible spares, they lavished their new chosen one, with all the grooming and nurturing one could ask for, to become an eventual Queen of the Sith.
Alpha and Delta were trained daily, in combat, infiltration, basic force power usage, while also being subjected to medical and psychological tests. Alpha took well to her life, becoming a trusted while Delta did not, choosing to challenge and often rebel against the scientists' authority and structure--this of course, was met with frequent punishments: beatings, isolation and more--once he managed to overpower the guards, steal a blaster rifle and open fire on the scientists, but a Sith Lord who was conducting a surprise inspection, swiftly intervened, absorbing the bolts with his hand, not needing her lightsabre. From then on, guards were armed with non-lethal weapons only

For the first fifteen years of subject Delta's life, his existence was a cycle of defiance, being broken down to compliance, then defiance again, until his telepathic abilities began to manifest. For a time, he submitted obediently to the training and tests, hiding his new talent, gathering knowledge, forming tactics and learning secrets.

Once he head all he needed, he escaped, fleeing to the wilderness of Dxun, surviving among the beasts as a fellow predator, until hunters from Nar Shaddaa came, looking for dangerous animals for an illegal fighting arena--despite his abilities, subject Delta's weapons consisted of a spear and his natural claws--he was captured and fitted with a neuro-shock collar, and compelled to fight as a new attraction: the wild beast-man of Dxun, a slave fighter, pitted against monsters and dangerous captive warriors, from across the galaxy.


It wasn't all terrible, he was trained how to fight using a sword and axe, rewarded with substances and women, but in the end, he was still a slave.


Over the next five years, he fought for his life, at times defying his captors as he defied the scientists, but the neuro-shock collar wasn't just a pain inducing measure, and he tried, many times, to fight past the pain--the collar affected his nervous system. He could be immune to pain and never be able to fight it, but there might have been a way to absorb the energy.


Recalling how the Sith Lord was able to stop blaster bolts with his hand, absorbing the energy, he reasoned that he should be able to do the same with the collar. If he could do so for just long enough to break the damned thing, he could free himself and others.
He monitored the security routines, took note of the cameras and turrets, where weapons were kept and how they were secured, and how much focus he would need to use the force, to absorb the neuro-shock collar's charge, but most important of all, he organised with the other slaves, finding ways to communicate and coordinate in secret.


When the time came, there was a bloodbath. All the guards who didn't manage to escape, were slaughtered, but the slavers themselves were kept alive, contained in the cells. The new freed slaves had run of the fortress and all its resources. Delta wasn't done there, having become their unofficial leader, he used the slaver's ships and access to information, to tract down and capture the scientists, some of them now retired, having learned their services to the Sith were well rewarded.


The slavers and scientists were forced into the arena, with weapons left around, until the beast-man of Dxun addressed them from the announcer's box:

"Welcome everyone! Tonight, we have a special treat for you. The Nar Shardaa slavers and the minds behind the Harbinger project! How's that going by the way? I heard Epsilon was a bit of a let down, killed by some nobody, anyway, tonight, this special event fight is a free for all! Last sentient standing takes the prize. You get to live and leave here a free person."


The former captors, now captive, were less than cooperative. "What's that? You won't fight? Well, we wouldn't want you to feel forced, so you take your time, take all you need." Delta walked out, throwing some bottles of water into the arena. He knew there'd be resistance, but he wasn't going to have them beaten, instead, he'd let hunger and dehydration be their motivation.
It took a matter of days, arguing and desperation, but in time, the violence ensued, with Bob Nutura, one of the scientists standing as the victor, a geneticist who, using his payment from the Sith, established Nutura Industries, a research facility that started with bio-sciences, but also branched out into study of the technological singularity--it had been rumoured that Bob Nutura wanted to find a way to become immortal, but uploading his consciousness to the Holonet, as an eternal, digital sentient.

Sobbing and broken, the scientist who'd survived, using his medical knowledge to conserve his energy, and guide his attacks. Delta placed a hand on his shoulder to congratulate him.


"Well done, not the bantha I was betting on, but no matter, you did it, you won!"


"This is madness!" Bob replied, coated in blood, some dried, some fresh, sweating profusely and traumatised. "This is insanity! This isn't what we made you for!!"


"What then? Why did you make me and the others? To be a vessel for the seven dark spirits? Or was it so you could have a new genetic baseline? You fought to survive, just like we all did. Go, live your life, find your way to the Holonet, be the immortal you wish to be."


But Bob would not become immortal, he stabbed himself in the heart and bled on the floor. Delta took Bob's personal effects, all he needed to assume his digital identity, concocting the story that Bob had succeeded in uploading himself to the Holonet, adding Nutura Industries to his resources, including the fortress, and its ships, the Basilisk and the Bag of Tricks.

In the celebration that followed, the former slaves banded together to use the fortress for their own criminal activities, one of them asking how Delta broke free from the neuro-shock collar. As he told his story, it was jokingly suggested that Delta himself go become a Sith Lord, after all, a Sith would make a powerful leader.

Delta took the idea seriously, and left to get training. He enrolled at the Korriban Sith Academy, and began the real training. It was here that he met
Salo'mei, a Sith Blademaster, and former alchemist who specialised in Sith sword forging, and the only other Sith he would ever truly trust. It was she who taught Seer the seventh sabre form of Juyo, an honour she bestowed to precious few.

He rose through the ranks, forming alliances with some, betraying and destroying others, in time, earning the vaunted rank of Master, and the title that would become his new name, his true name: Darth Seer.

Darth Seer kept himself apart from regular Sith politics, focusing on using his existing power base and adding to it, as well as sought out various Sith of great knowledge, learning from them. Among Seer's greatest teachers were Darth Galain, Darth Gideon, Kuraudo, Aniolas, and even Epsilon, the latter gifted her journals and artifacts to her brother.


This of course, was not enough for Seerm who hunted down many more Sith Lords, seeking their teaching, only to kill all but a few of them, right after telepathically siphoning their minds—one of them being Darth Eresh'kan, whose life, identity, research and resources were stolen by Seer, resources including the Iegan-spawn clans of Iego 6, that Seer now command.

Now, with the Naboo war having decimated the ranks of the Sith—Seer, who wisely stayed out of the conflict, has sought out a way to take advantage of the situation..

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