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Captain Seren
seer pilot.png

"This is the Captain. There's a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience slight turbulence, and then explode."

Core Name: Seren - A core name was a shortened name used by Chiss when speaking to individuals of other species, who were often unable to pronounce the full Chiss name


Birth name: Cors'ere'numoc

Birthplace: Csilla

Height: 6'2" / 187 cm

Weight: 210 lbs / 95 kg

Eyes: Red

Hair: Blue - but is usually clean shaven​

Citizenship: Chiss

Marital Status: Dating the ship's engineer.

Education: Trained as a pilot and has experience as a smuggler.




Affiliation: Darth Seer

Occupation: Captain of "The Basilisk," Seer's ship, a Modified CEC Action VI transport. Also to make sure Seer's Sith-hound is fed. If Seren screws up, he will be the hound's next meal.

Bases of Operations: "The Basilisk," Seer's ship, a Modified CEC Action VI transport.

Force Alignment: Non-force sensitive

Species: Chiss

Abilities and implant:

  • Enhanced eyesight and hearing: Chiss eyes were slightly better than those of humans, their visible spectrum edging a little into the infrared range. Additionally, their hearing was sharper.

  • Cybernetic interface: Pravum has a cybernetic implant, an improved version  of the Borg Construct Aj^6, that allows him to interface and control all the computer systems of "The Basilisk."
    This implant improves the intelligence of the wearer, enhancing logic and reasoning capabilities. As a result, Seren can analyse data at roughly twenty times the speed of a non-cyborg computer operator.


The Basilisk:

A heavily modified Corellian Engineering Corporation Action VI transport used by Darth Seer as a mobile base of operations. Underneath the craft's dented and worn hull plates was concealed an incredible mobile base of operations for Seer and his crew of mercenaries.

Seren serves as its captain, but he still takes orders from Seer. He keeps the ship crew in line, when the Sith Lord is away.

Length: 125 metres

Maximum acceleration: 2,460 G

Maximum speed (atmosphere): 950 km/h


Hyperdrive rating: Class 1.0 (Backup: Class 10)

Warship-grade shielding with independent power

Hull: Reinforced with concealed armor


Sensor systems: Warship-grade sensors

Countermeasures: Sensor mask, False transponder registries

Armament: Turbolasers (3)

Vehicle Complement: Swoop bikes (5), Shuttle "Bag of Tricks" ( in cargo space)

Recommended crew: 10, Pilot (1)

Minimum crew: 2

Cargo capacity: 50,000 metric tons

Consumables: 6 months

Other systems: Hypercomm array, HoloNet transceiver, Medical equipment, Sith-hound kennel

An Action VI class bulk freighter fresh off the CEC's assembly lines would be a ponderous and ungainly space transport that lacked armaments of any kind and could hold immense amounts of raw materials in its vast holds.

However, the Basilisk was no ordinary freighter. Seer had made many important modifications to his ship that allowed it to hold its own against the Republic patrols that often came to check his vessel. Three heavy retractable turbolasers were added, giving the ship a firepower that no common pirate could ever expect. The entirety of the hull was doubly reinforced with giant durasteel plates that matched the color of the original, unmodified hull so as not to tip off pursuers. Deflector shields and a large power source were also secreted deep in the bowels of the ship.


Its sensor package incorporated a sensor masking device that was powerful enough to conceal the Basilisk from passive scans. The machinery also transmitted false transponders to any ship inquiring about the nature of the cargo aboard the vessel, while operating under many false names and registries.

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