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"I told you we should have gone to Zeltros!"

Name: Liam Pilgrim


Codename: Wraith

Birthplace: Isle

Height: 6'1" / 185 cm

Weight: 192 lb / 87 kg

Eyes: Dark brown

Hair: Black

Tattoos: Various Sith runes on his arms, chest and back. They can shift and out of visible view, and even change appearance.


  • Islish

  • Galactic Basic

  • Iegan

  • Huttese

Affiliation: Himself and Zowie.


  • Adventurer

  • Smuggler

  • Saboteur

  • Thief

Bases of Operations: The Sapphire Blaze, a Dynamic-class light freighter.

Force Alignment: Unaffiliated, level 2

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Iegan Descente (modified Spawn)


​Liam possesses retractable fangs and talons. His eyes can glow red, white or amber, at will or in response to certain powers being used (outside of his control. This can be a liability when trying to mask his spawn nature, or hiding in shadows. It also reveals when he is using some powers).
On his body are many sith runes that resemble tribal tattoos. These markings augment some of his abilities can change form or even hide from view, but are always visible to those using "Force sight."



  • Enhanced physicality: Liam's strength, agility, durability, reflexes and cardiovascular efficiency are about three times that of a peak human athlete. He can with supreme effort, perform such feats as snapping a man's neck with a single blow, kick down a steel door (not a blast door), leap up to seven metres high, land safely on his feet from a twelve metre fall, catch an arrow out of mid-air, step onto and evade the jaws of a triggered bear trap, and with a single punch, smash solid blocks of ice or concrete without harm. He can also punch some metals hard enough to dent, but not always break them, depending on the alloy.
    His compound lungs allow him to breathe at higher altitudes and filter most harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide.

  • Enhanced senses: he can see clearly with minimal light, as well as the infrared spectrum (eyes glow red when using the latter). His low-light vision is so effective that it can use the light of his glowing eyes can serve a source of minor illumination, when in total darkness. He also can detect most mystical runes.

    • Normal daylight is very glaring to him and is more vulnerable to sudden bright flashes than most beings). 

  • Shape-shifting: Limited to two forms, the first is mainly an aesthetic change; his eyes may turn amber as his skin takes on a tough, leathery texture and changes colour to velvet black, somehow absorbing light, giving him the appearance of a walking shadow.

    This form slightly alters Liam's voice and scent and gives him increased protection from the extreme weather conditions, and even low levels of radiation.

    ​The second form he can take is similar to the first, except wings protrude from his shoulder blades, allowing flight.

    • In this flying form, he loses much of his agility, and his ability to use force powers

Rune abilities: 

  • Acklay's Sting—Carved into all of his retractable talons, when active, they grant cutting power comparable to vibroblades, allowing them to cut through oak, stone and even some metals (not Mandalorian ore or similar). Greatly aids in climbing ability, and handy in combat.

    • Blocks any force power usage when active

    • Can't be used with other rune abilities.

  • Tulak's Shadow—Stealth runes that grant actual invisibility to the naked eye for limited periods. Extended use reduces effectiveness, making him show as a visible distortion of light, when moving. This power can alternatively be used to mask his force presence or make him completely silent, but not all three at once.

    • Reduces his low-light vision to normal. And he is still detectable by electronic sensors, thermal and UV vision and enhanced scent.

    • Blocks Liam's use of other force powers (except Danger Sense), and generates an electromagnetic aura that disrupts any electronic devices he may wish to use, while also making him more easily detectable to EM sensors.

    • Can't be used with other rune abilities

  • Inner Demon—This ability causes a sudden increase in muscle mass, boosting his strength to five times peak human, for a limited period. 

    • Causes a reduction in agility due to increased muscle mass. Also affects his mind with prolonged use, making him increasingly less able to identify friend from foe, eventually making him savage and animalistic.

    • Forces white eye glow.

    • Generates an electromagnetic aura that disrupts any electronic devices he may wish to use, oncluding weapons, such as his lightsabre (Does not affect others).

    • Blocks use of the force except Danger Sense.

    • Can't be used with other rune abilities.

    • Overuse of this ability causes great strain to his heart.

  • Zannah's Guide—An intricate circular shape on his left palm, it serves as a compass, that can either be set to a known, specific location, or to true north. Can  be hidden on command.

    • Not much use on places ​that lack planetary magnetic fields.


  • S-5 Security Blaster—A heavy blaster pistol with twin scopes for sighting and rangefinding dart launcher underneath the main barrel, able to fire either an anesthetic microdart, a sting charge, or a grappling hook tip. The latter was used in conjunction with a liquid-cable shooter attachment; a quick customization that turned the S-5 pistol into a durable ascension gun.

  • Sith sword—Stolen from the armoury of Darth Seer, this blade is impervious to lightsabers and vibroblades. Special runes give the sword a connection to Liam, enabling him to detect and track it across a vast distance and on its sheath are several attached throwing knives.
    Liam is very possessive of this weapon and has at times, slipped into a mad rage against those who have tried to steal it. Even in a place where he may wish to hide having the force at all, he'll not hesitate to openly use telekinesis to summon this one item.
    It is rumoured that this particular blade holds sith secrets within it and some have claimed to be drawn to its power, though it has as yet shown any special traits, aside from being more durable than most other swords made by Seer.

  • Lightsaber of Kerrigan Thanos—The Jedi who was once known as Darth Sin, gave this to Shivna Amanius, who later gave it to Jedi Knight William Harmony, who then gave it to Liam.
    Upon learning that Master Sojihie was Kerrigan's apprentice, he gave her one of the saber hilts as it was originally a double-bladed weapon. the picture shown is Liam's half.


​The Sapphire Blaze—a Dynamic-class light freighter, modified and equipped with concealed holding compartments, Sunfire missiles, a built in A.I. control system, and other goodies.

  • Manufacturer: Core Galaxy Systems 

  • Model: Dynamic-class freighter 

  • Class: Light freighter 

  • Modified systems:

    • Navigation computer upgraded

    • Hyperdrive upgraded  

    • Sublight drive upgraded 

    • Hull reinforced 

    • Combat-grade deflector shield generators 

    • Improved armament 

    • Smuggling compartments  (2) 

  • Length: 24 meters 

  • Width: Roughly 22.5 meters 

  • Maximum speed (atmosphere): 1,100 km/h 

  • Hyperdrive rating: Class 1 

  • Armament:

    • Dual turbolaser turrets (2, 1 dorsal, 1 ventral) 

    • Dual heavy quad laser cannons (2, one on each wingtip) 

    • Concealed ventral anti-personnel repeating blaster (1) 

    • Proton torpedoes

    • Sunfire missiles

  • Recommended crew:

    • Pilot (1)  

    • Co-pilot (1)  

    • Gunners (1 minimum, 4 maximum) 

  • Minimum crew: 1 pilot 

  • Passengers:

  • Cargo capacity: 40 tons 

  • Consumables: 2 months 



  1.  Wounds made by silver take twice as long to heal from. Silver is as poisonous to Liam as lead is to humans. This effect cannot be countered by bacta or force healing.

  2. Flight form reduces Liam's agility and leaping ability to human normal due to increased weight and mass. Also prevents force use.

  3. Some abilities force his eyes to glow, making him easy to find in the dark when in use.

  4. As a spawn imbued with runes, he is susceptible to light side powers, which can cause him great pain.

  5. Has a low midichlorian count, limiting his full potential as a force user.

  6. Thermal vision narrows his field of view. (when activated)

  7. Liam's low light vision makes him vulnerable to very bright lights.

  8. Body temperature is higher than normal making him easier to detect with thermal sensors.

  9. Is highly allergic to saffron which can cause nausea.

  10. Other weaknesses have been mentioned throughout the profile.

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