Rasev Velon

"It's been a long time, my old friend."
Name: Rasev Velon
Nickname: The Gentle Giant
Birthplace: Lira San
Height: 7'7" / 232 cm
Weight: 300 lb / 136 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey
Citizenship: Republic
Marital Status: Single
Education: Trained in what used to be the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. Learned much of surviving in the wild, during his exile on Kashyyyk.
Affiliation: The Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Healer / Survival expert
Bases of Operations: A handmade hut located in a forest near the Praxeum.
Force Alignment: Jedi Knight
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Lasat
Enhanced senses—Lasat possess large eyes and ears, that afford them superior sight and hearing over humans.
Enhanced physicality—Lasats are notable for their impressive height, strength, and agility. A height of two meters tall was considered below-average for a Lasat.
Mobility and stealth: With their muscular digitigrade legs, Lasat are able to run faster, jump higher and farther, and move more quietly than humans.
Strength and durability: 5x peak human. They average full grown Lasat is strong enough to pry open a powered-down blast door, and can head-butt a Republic Commando's helmet without harm.
Climbing: Their large finger pads and prehensile toes greatly assist them in climbing.

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Sensory overload - bright lights and high pitched sounds.
Large body size is very conspicuous.
Being of a rarely seen species, it is much harder for him to blend in, especially in places that do not tolerate non-humans.
Limited mobility in confined spaces.
Most protective attire, must be custom made to fit his massive frame, and unusual feet. This is especially a problem if he ever needs to use a space suit.
Lightsabre forms:
Rasev is well trained in Niman and Jar'Kai.
He avoids combat where ever possible, but is far from defenceless, and knows it is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a battle.

(For better quality viewing, click here. Warning: this video has spoilers for the game "Fallen Order.")
Dual-bladed lightsabre, blue blades, silver hilt.
Ryyk blade - Earned while helping a Wookiee clan fight against Sith military forces, it is used primarily for survival purposes.
Jedi field gear
Ascension hook cable gun
Fishing gear
Bacta bandages and spray
Flint stick
Aquata air-breather
Droid companion:
Rasev found an abandoned BD unit, while stranded on an uninhabited area of Kashyyyk. BD-5T has the following mods fitted:
Data-probe / Scomp-link
Fusion welder
Utility arm
Internal com-link
Hovering thruster
Rasev was raised and trained on Coruscant, long before the sacking of the Jedi Temple.
During the war of Naboo, and the Sith's reign of Coruscant, he was stationed on Kashyyyk, where he fought alongside Republic forces, and the Wookiees.
In an aerial battle, he was aboard a dropship that was shot down, and he fell in an uninhabited region of Kashyyyk, as the only survivor.
Alone, save for a droid he found at an abandoned outpost, he spent a number of years in the wild, until eventually found by the re-established Jedi Order of Naboo, and now resides in a hut in the forest, just outside Theed.