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Located in the unknown regions, Isle is a lush, green world, whose main inhabitants, are the Islish, a humanoid species with a long history, of civil war and conflict, of mystery and conspiracy.

The true origin of the Islish people can be traced to the An Miotas (The Myth), an ancient species believed to be nothing more than fairy tales and folklore, and their legend is not widely known at all.

What is more well known, is the previous religious conflict, between the Mercian and the Chroluc, as well as the past war between the IEA (Islish Extremist Army) and the IFP (Isle For Peace).
The war has long since ended, but the lesson of history is of great importance for all Islish.

Below is a transcript of a speech given by Boto, the front man of U3, a music group that used to be garage band. It was delivered at an interplanetary rockfest.

"I have been singing about events in my life, places in my life which have lead me to become who I am, but, as much as each of these songs may provide a small insight into the place we, U3, all grew up around allow me a brief interlude amongst my tales to give you all a slight idea of what it is truly like.  Let me tell you of the hypocrisy, the oppression and horror we face on a daily basis.  The planet, which we live upon, is as much a factor to who I am as it is to each individual member of this band or the planet in question. 

Isle,and the troubles upon her have played as big a role within my development as did the day I was born.  One cannot grow up in the political and religious climate we do and ignore it.  Each action you take is dictated on some level by these two major players, and, AND to top it off, there is also war.  A dirty, hungry, bitch whom lies in the darkness waiting to snap you up. 

The war, a child birthed from the want of progression, versus the old ways,the religions which were set firmly amongst the people since time began.  Some people take change hard, as have the governments.  One wished for Isle's freedom and right to self govern, and avoid any possible entanglements with galactic policy, whilst other politicians wished to fall to the backup of the Republic.   When a planet is cut inhalf once via religion, there is enough struggles as is, then, when itis sliced again by the knife of politics the mix for an uprising and 'revolution' is more than ready to be baked until she is done. They split us more!

The whole initial starts to this conflict started long, long before I was born.  The IEA was established when I was not even a twinkle in my parents eyes.  The religious issues before that, with the break from the universal way of thinking. 


That was whilst the Chroluc and Mercian faiths lain joint, under one hat.  The God and Goddess, believed to be husband and wife, at that time were believed to have created Isle, her people and all her riches together.  We were their children, and they could provide us all we needed.  We needed not super powers, for then we were in direct competition with the deity's.  Therefore any form of product or ability which rendered one to heal faster, as it was not'natural'. 


From there somehow the debate led into Athair Am (FatherTime) being superior and Máthair Trócaire (Mother Mercy) was merely just a demi-god.  Sadly many of the records regarding the division of the belief system were destroyed.  Why? I am still unsure, yet, it makes it difficult to trace the deterioration of my people into thei rwar like state.  Perhaps it is to do with the 'warrior' and 'nurturer' statuses of men and women.  The church was split.  The two faiths upon Isle were born in a bloody battle, which appears will never truly cease!

The Chroluc faith is rather a strict, ordered faith, as one would imagine a religion based upon what one would think a warrior god would like.  The followers of the faith must be hardy, strong, if they sin, only a blessed priest, whom is connected directly to the god can absolve them of their guilt.  The church is filled with rituals and prayers and the congregation encouraged to stay silent.  A Chroluc will not even think of being healed speedily, for this encourages weakness.  A Chroluc must remain chaste until marriage and once married, divorce is not allowed. They will respect their partner, and will raise all young within their faith.  If one shall fail to attend church, one shall be condemned,until their guilt is absolved.  We are the seed of the ground, and we are here to multiply (so, just pop out them babies) and fill his lands with kin.  We are his warriors and it is our duty to remain strong,spread his name and turn any whom have strayed from his path back to the light. 

So as you can see, despite the fact there are some pretty tight ideals,respect of a partner especially, it is a religion filled with guilt,and the ability to crush one before he even starts!  The priests lie supreme in the Chroluc faith, they are not just the messengers of Father Time, but they are his embodiment upon the planet.  What he saysgoes.  One is not allowed to challenge the God, less he wish to be trailed, and possibly put to death for his crimes, aka one will not challenge the narrow minded thinking of the church! Bite my Islish Arse!  Emotion, reaction and being human are all a fault. You are taught anyone different is an imperfection, they were a soul whom had died, failed the final trails and cast back to Isle, cursed to live their life ridiculed and punished until their physical death.  If theyhad repented enough in their second incarnation, they would be allowed to pass on. Because, oh yes... of course, Father Time is love and forgiveness... just with a helluva bunch of rules on that.

The Mercian faith is nothing, nothing like the Chroluc faith.  As one would expect a father to be harder and stricter, one would expect a mother to be warmer and more loving, more accepting of her child's faults.  Nor would a mother throw their child back to life to live as a monster hated and 'cursed'.  All mother mercy asks is one lives their life to the best of their abilities, and turns to her, or her 'helpers', the male or female 'speakers' when times get hard.  It is preferred one does try to stay married and reconcile their differences, yet, not all can remain married. At times it does not work out.  The 'cursed' are not cursed, but touched by her hand, making them more able to see the true nature of love. And life for they are denied another sense...  

All have the right to chose their path and life, and she will wait for her children to return.  The focus lies upon learning oneself and accepting they are not perfect, and never will be and are loved for whom they are.  Healing by whatever means necessary is not denied at all. 

Yet while this sounds like utopia, the Mercian faith has its faults too. One is not allowed to marry across the divide, to keep their soul pure,one must not partake in the sins of gambling, drinking or using any substance that will alter their minds.


This is an instant dismissal from the afterlife for a time and no amount of begging for forgiveness will ease the fact, when you die, you are going to have your soul shut away in a cold nothing place until you have made up for your crimes. Woohoo...  sounds like a real party.  I'd be screwed.  One is also expected to defend and protect their chosen way of life.

Both religions state their chosen deity requires love, but with rules! Granted, the Mercian faith is softer, kinder, but you are still restricted.  Yes, all should be bound by rules... one rule really.  Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you.  Simple really, you want to be loved and accepted, love and accept others.  You want to be hated, murdered and forgotten, well, that is what you are going to do in life!  That's when the rules of self preservation step in and the laws we have now against murdering others step in, and rightly so. Rules are needed to prevent chaos from erupting, but no 'higher being'should put rules on love.  You are their child or not.  Simple! You CANNOT put rules on love! 

The Chrolucs ARE encouraged to lead all back to the 'right' path, and the Mercians are lead to believe they are right too.  Everyone's right, no ones wrong... Can’t happen, sorry, it's just statistically and logically impossible, unless, both are half right... yet, that means,both are also half wrong... oh, but that can't be!  Of course it can't the texts for each religion dictate they are RIGHT!There is no room for a potential fuck up in the readings there. Thus,the Chrolucs doing the "right" thing, by their lessons decide they *must* save the Mercians.  Yet, the Mercians have to do the "right"thing and preserve their way of life. 

War erupted when the Chrolucs placed the first attack on their Mercian kin.  The children of the God and Goddess have grown up; we've found sibling rivalry. Thing is, it isn't the entire side of either faith which jumped into the fray, it's a few loud mouthed, totally devout,holier than thou bastards egged on by their priests.  They fight to the death, and to defend themselves, the Mercians had little choice but to fight back.  It’s an intense battle, which raged for many centuries. 

The battle gained strength though, at the division of the political structure, and the recent division of the planet.

The religious war made its way into parliament, and it began to tear it down the middle... as did the talk of an ancient prophecy which had been found.  The Chrolucs wished to pass it off as a load of rubbish that some evil 'super' human had given, and the Mercians wished to embrace it as the message from the Goddess.  Both fought savagely over that, and if it should be released unto the people, or if the republic(whom Isle was part of at the time) and their peacekeepers should be called in to make sense of it.  The Chroluc half of parliament claimed,the republic and their forces held no place on the planet and should belong forgotten.  The Mercian's pushed for the other... in the end a stalemate was called, and the government split.  The Chroluc half shoved the Mercians back to the north of the major landmass and told them to do whatever they like.  They were declared independent from the rest of Isle for being mindless infidels.  All Mercians at that time were gathered by the Islish Enlightened Army and sent to what was named The Republic of Northern Isle, or RoNI for short.  Peace was gained fora short time and the prophecy of An Aon (The One) was forgotten.

This segregated peace the Islish people soon began to fade nearly a century and a half ago, when the IEA began to act as a private militia group,rather than the government run troops they had been.  The Mercian’s whom were first to see the IEA’s radical actions has also changed their name.  The E soon coming to stand for Extremist, damn right they are extremists!  Peace was shattered and as soon as Erie's government realised what was happening, that their army had broken away and taken it upon themselves to enforce Father Times laws, the borders now opened, trying to protect those whom had now become victim to the militia.  A new army was formed in Erie, taking in recruits from any faith, needing to cease this threat.  Erie's government feel guilty now, for creating a monster hell bent on Genocide.  Some say the time of An Aon is coming to pass.

Mercian refugees filled Erie, and special 'protected' areas were set up for them.  Being refugees and being Mercian they were still over looked and treated like second class citizens, yet, now... even some Chrolucs are treated the same as the planet spirals down into self destruction again.  Many of the slum areas on Isle were once these Mercian encampments or housing developments.  Trócaire, where I live is one of the first, and it IS the seediest.  The IEA are becoming harder and harder to control as independent Chroluc businessmen encourage and fund them.  The two governments have fallen into a blaming match. Isle is ata pivotal point, either she will self-destruct, or, a change will come.

We want this change to come! I am calling you all to stand up for what you believe is right, I am calling upon you all to help end the war upon my planet.  Open your hearts, open your minds and see they hold us down. The Chroluc church ENCOURAGES the IEA to continue their onslaught! They do not condemn it... they encourage the mindless slaughters which occur when we least expect it.  Men, Women and Children all slaughtered for their beliefs.

Am I Mercian? NO Chroluc? NO! Religion ceases to mean anything to me other than an excuse for murder!  Where do you stand??

Lets play, boys..."

For historical reference, and to ensure the past is never repeated, it is important to know who the IEA were, the following is from their old literature:

What we are:

  • We Are the Islish Extremist Army.

  • We serve our Planet and Father Time with Pride.

  • To be Our Brethren is an Honour.

  • We enforce the Laws of Our People and Father Time.

  • We Fight against Those that are Evil and mean Us Harm.

  • We Are Isle's Last Defence.

Our Mission:

  • To return all Strayed back to the Light that is Father Time's love.

  • To enforce the Laws of the True God.

  • To Cleanse Isle from those whom do not return to the True Path.

The IEA was formed from the Chroluc, to further their religious agenda, through armed means, but the Chroluc of today, look down on such methods, and have distanced themselves from past ties to the IEA, as much as possible.

Well known locations of Isle:

Dubier City:

The Northern side and much off Dubier is the 'richer' side. Here is where most Chrolucs live and those that have gained money and power. These streets are usually 'calm' and very well protected. Many rich families have hired guards of their own to protect them, and in the past, were usually in good terms with the IEA.


Less affluent than Dubier, but in a much better state than it once was, it has come a long way, from the days when it was something of a poverty stricken ghetto.


There was once a huge gap between rich and poor, Chorluc and Mercian. The poorer side was where most off the 'rejects' of society were placed, people who had little hope of escape, save for the spice and alcohol, that ran rampant amongst the streets.

Trocaire was once a place of violence and crime, a place never a safe place to travel alone, where people governed themselves, while the IEA preyed on the Mercians and the weak, enforcing the laws and of the church, usually by violence and murder.

Now a place of peace and restoration, it is a beacon of hope for all of Isle, and proof that every city has a soul, and can heal if given the chance.

© 2000-2024 by Kala - "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."

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