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Sigrún Osmond

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"I never asked for this!"



Name: Sigrún Osmond (pronounced Sig-roon)

Birthplace: Terrat

Height: 5'4" / 163 cm

Weight: 121 lb / 55 kg

Age: 59

Eyes: Dark brown

Hair: Dark brown

Citizenship: Nubian

Marital Status: Dating Dax Fel

Education: Graduate of Coruscant Media College. Has more recently been learning from the Naboo Shadow Temple, or Sapling, and also from lessons with Justin Callahan.




  • Galactic Basic

  • Shyriiwook - Limited conversational ability, from her time spent on Kashyyyk.

  • Binary / Droidspeak - Knows enough to get the gist of what most droids are saying, having had to work with many media droids before.

Occupation: Independent journalist, former reporter for Naboo News.

Shadowhawk Descent
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Bases of Operations: Theed apartment, Naboo News villa, Dax's ship.

Force Alignment: Shadow Apprentice

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Terratian


Armour: Light armour-weave mesh, Verpine made. Worn only when needed, but she typically avoids combat if she can.

When disguising herself, she often wears a scarf-mask that covers the lower half of her face, and at times, reflec particle facepaint. When worn, it prevents most cameras from accurately recording her face.



  • Lightsabre - aqua coloured blade

  • Vibro-knives x 2


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Click to enlarge.


Orphaned very close to birth, she was raised by humans on Coruscant, and learned that she was something other than human, also, that she was force-sensitive.
She kept her power a secret, never caring to train, until discovering a place known as a Sapling, deep in the Shadowlands on Kashyyyk. Having no desire to become neither Jedi nor Sith, being neither noble nor evil, she found the path of the Shadows, and trained enough to protect herself from muggers, stalkers and the occasional low tier bounty hunter, but she had been otherwise reluctant to do more.

For most of her life, even after constructing her lightsabre, her blade and force powers, rarely saw use, except during the war on Naboo, where she fought hard to defend her apartment building and land-speeder.
But this changed after a chance meeting with Dax Fel, a cybernetic intelligence operative, and an encounter with a towering Sith Marauder.

Dax and the reporter fought to survive against the Sith, and while unable to defeat him, were able to delay him long enough for help to arrive.
Since then, she's discovered all manner of conspiracy and danger, motivating her to study and train more, to become a true Shadow, not just some pretender who used the force to reach for a holo-display remote, and her sabre like an alternative to pepper-spray, but a real disciple of the force.
She has since found the Sapling on Naboo and gained training from Shadow Masters.


Her lightsabre training is primarily in Shii-Cho and Ataru, although she's far from an expert in either. With time, that will change.


© 2000-2024 by Kala - "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."

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