Jedi Master Sage

"I am Sage, I wil help you."
Name: Sage (formerly Tan'akri Lai Suran)
Birth name: Tan'akri Lai Suran
Tan'akri - Survivor of the forest
Lai - offspring of
Suran - Restorer (father's name)
In Gaian naming tradition, the child's surname is the given name of the parent of the same genetic gender. As Sage/Tan'akri's father is named Suran, he was named Tan'akri Lai Suran, or Tan'akri, offspring of Suran.
Sometimes a name is given to reflect the circumstances of their birth. Tan'akri was born during the Battle of the Blue Forest
Gaians who choose to leave the homeworld on a permanent, or semi-permanent basis are offered a name name in basic, the most common language. The name is chosen by the priesthood and is intended to reflect the person's nature and personality.
Nickname: Tan
Birthplace: Gaia
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Weight: 225 lb / 102 kg
Age: 139 - Born 132 years before the Naboo-Galactic War.
Eyes: Black (iris and pupil)
Hair: Black
Tattoos: A dragon on his left pectoral and bicep, and a carp on his back. The carp was inked after becoming a Knight, as they swim against currents, and in Gaian culture, symbolise courage and strength of attaining goals. The dragon is a Gaian symbol of wisdom and power, and was fitting to mark his eventual rise to the rank of Master.
Citizenship: Dual citizen of Naboo and Gaia
Marital Status: Married to Jenine Bernadette Lencaster
Education: Taught by scholars of the Gaian Royal Court, mentored by Sao'rin Master Seikar, trained by the Jedi holocron of Brigit Aislinn (aka Galatia) and by Jedi Master Valiant.
Kotoran (Gaian)
Galactic Basic
Knows a little bit of Mando'a, Shryiiwook, and Huttese
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Occupation: Jedi Master, Council member
Bases of Operations:
Naboo home
Mon Cal DeepWater-class Light Freighter (mobile)
Jedi Praxeum.
Force Alignment: Lightside, Jedi Master
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Gaian
Abilities - see species page for more details:
Amphibious biology, excellent swimmer
Telepath - Dreamwalker
Unique traits:
Secondary eyelids (cleans and moisturises eyes, protects from glare and dust)
No tear ducts
Webbed toes
Binary heart system
Kukri survival blade
Sage also owns a Gaian vibro-sword—rarely carried, it is only used when he wishes to carry a weapon that isn't a lightsabre, to blend in. His lightsabre hilt was made using a similar sword.
Click images below to enlarge:
Jenine Bernadette Lencaster - Wife
Nathaniel - Son
Kaida Akiko - Daughter
Darth Seer - Son
Epsilon - Daughter and mother of:
Genesis Krystelle - grandchild
Edenia Giselle - grandchild
Jaidelle Valeria - grandchild
Savannah - grandchild
Jayden Jancin - grandchild
Daienon - grandchild
Tovias Amanius- grandchild (adopted from Shivna)
Selina Amanius - grandchild (adopted from Shivna)
Pandora (deceased) - grandchild and mother of:
Karma - great grandchild
Note: To view Sage's family tree via a site builder, I have made one here at
This listing is not complete, and does not take into account how some of her children were born of her original body, and others of her second body, when she possessed Alpha.
It also does not go into details pertaining to Krystal-Six, the clone of Krystal, or how Edenia was the child of both Epsilon and Zaamaa Cavega, via genetic manipulation, or a million other things.
Some parents are unknown, meaning I have no idea who Gideon's father is, only that he was a son of Deanta Aislinn, and it gets further complicated, when some children listed, were actually adopted, as I'm unsure if I'm also supposed to list the biological parents also.
Mastered Lightsaber styles:
Form V--Shien / Djem So: Form V, also known by its two primary disciplines of Shien and Djem So, as well as The Way of the Krayt Dragon or The Perseverance Form, was the fifth of seven forms recognized as canon by the last Jedi Council for lightsaber combat. It was developed by practitioners of Form III who felt that the defensively-minded form would unnecessarily extend time spent in combat by forcing its users to wait for an opportunity to strike rather than create their own openings. Form V combat was characterized by power attacks and defense immediately followed by a counter-strike.
Shien, considered the classical variant of Form V, was more adept at blocking blaster bolts than for blade-to-blade combat, whereas Djem So was developed later and was specifically intended for use in lightsaber combat. Both Shien and Djem So were designed to use an opponent's attack against them, as evidenced by Shien's focus on returning blaster bolts to their origin and Djem So's emphasis on immediate counter-attacks. Although some Jedi felt that Form V encouraged aggression and domination, that sentiment did not stop many Jedi from practicing the form.
After becoming a Knight, Sage looked into specialising in a sabre form and had given some thought to pursue Soresu/Form III, but as his Knighthood coincided with Khensu's invasion, he spent more time in open battle fields, fighting to keep himself alive while being often outnumbered, than being a living shield for groups of innocents--the path of the Soresu.
As Form V encompassed two avenues of lightsabre combat, he felt that Shien and Djem So would both be worth training in, at the same time.
Martial arts styles:
While in his youth, Sage trained in the traditional Gaian school of Sao'rin, and earned his first warrior's stripe (equivalent of a 1st degree black belt)—the minimum requirement for a Gaian to be called a Sao'rin-Raishen.
After leaving Gaia, he encountered mercenaries who impressed him with their skills, and made a point of discovering their art and mastering it—from there he began training in Teräs Käsi.

Both a martial art and an Order, the Teräs Käsi were formed from the remnant civilians of a long-ago battle which devastated their home world of Palawa. The few survivors of Palawa migrated to a nearby world called Bunduki, where they decided to master mind over body so they may keep the Jedi use of power in check. The Teräs Käsi are thought to be sensitive to changes in the Force, and Teräs Käsi Masters are feared by the Jedi. But Teräs Käsi are not generally Force users as Jedi are: Teräs Käsi draw internal, personal power, while Jedi draw from everything around them, enabling a user to develop extreme speed and an aptitude for anticipating strikes.
Teräs Käsi also teaches students how to close their minds to Jedi and Sith, thus protecting themselves from mental attacks, something most Gaians are vulnerable to, as a telepathic race.
The Followers of Palawa are generally not on friendly terms with the Jedi, thus it is quite rare for Jedi to be trained in Teräs Käsi—Sage was almost refused teaching, if not for his mentor, Seikar the Wandering Fist, a Gaian martial arts master, who vouched for Sage.
Many of the techniques and attacks of Teräs Käsi were named after various animals around the galaxy, suggesting that practitioners of the martial art took inspiration from the way animals moved.
Pictured above: Sage training in his early days, years before he was even a Knight.

A replacement for his former Lambda class shuttle, this light freighter was purchased when Sage saw that he needed a ship large enough to carry his family, or when the situation called for it, teams of Jedi.
In addition to a decent balance of crew quarters, cargo capacity, while being small enough to be piloted by just one person, it can also travel underwater, making it the perfect vehicle for Sage, especially on Naboo, and has become his mobile base, when missions call for it.
The docking bay has space for smaller craft, like swoop-bikes, water-vehicles, or even a small fighter.
Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Model: DeepWater-class light freighter
Class: Light freighter
Length: 45 metres
Maximum atmospheric speed: 950 km/h
Hyperdrive rating:
Class 2.0
Class 15 (backup)
Shielding: Equipped, with backup shield generator
Navigation system: Equipped
Armament: Dual laser cannon turret (1)
Minimum crew: 1 (pilot)
Recommended passenger capacity: 6
Cargo capacity: 85 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Other systems: Capable of operating as a submarine
Click above images to enlarge.

Also known as the "Freeco," Sage wanted a smaller, atmospheric vehicle that could function in any climate. While intended for weather found in places like Hoth, the self contained driver section protects the user from rain, strong winds and sandstorms.
After purchase, Sage asked his daughter Kaida, to improve its altitude capability, which gave it the ability to fly as high as most air-speeders.

Additional gallery:
Some people Sage has known, who've been important to his past, and some, to his present and future.