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Gaian species:

An amphibious species, they superficially resemble humans, except they have gills located on their necks, and usually have eyes that are usually black, in both pupil and iris, or dark brown. Some rare exceptions exist, who instead have blue eyes, which some believe to be an ancient royal bloodline, one that was overthrown long ago (Tau-Kai/Tucker and Sora, have such eyes).
All Gaians have webbed toes, while some also have webbed fingers, but the latter is rare.





Gaians are an amphi-mammalian species, and can breathe on land and in water (salt and or fresh), and their skin can never become waterlogged. They can survive are extreme depths without harm. When breathing in water, especially at extreme depths, a Gaian's tolerance for cold increases greatly, but for some reason, this does not occur when on land, and will need thermal gear like anyone else, while breathing air.


Gaians are stronger than humans, and range from twice human average, to five times peak human, depending on their level of regular fitness/muscle training, and age



Increased bone durability:

Gaians tend to have slightly stronger bones than most species. This durability increases proportionally, the deeper they delve into water, allowing them to survive at deep sea pressures, however, it lasts only as long as they remain as such depths. As they surface, their skeletal strength returns to its usual level.

An additional effect of this trait, is that Gaians who practice limb conditioning, can do so free of fear of such things as osteogenic sarcoma, or bone cancer, which can occur in other species.
Gaian kick-boxers, and Spear-lance practitioners, can increase their bone density and toughness, through repeated self-induced bone fractures, that heal stronger—
Seikar has made ample use of this trait, over his lifetime, focusing on the conditioning of his hands, through use of makiwara striking posts, sand bags, and iron palm.
Most Gaians do not make use of this secondary trait, as it calls for physical suffering that most cannot bear.


All Gaians can, to varying degrees, read sentient minds, hear thoughts and sense emotions in most species, and can communicate with each other telepathically, within a distance of about a kilometre.
When a Gaian uses any aspect of telepathy, their entire eye colour changes to gold, including the sclera, however, some learn how to stop this, as they get older.
Some unique applications of telepathy can be used by Gaians who either train, or have a natural talent (Kaida Akiko, a daughter of Sage, has been thought to possess some natural talent).
While some possess a small measure of some of the following skills, they are only truly effective, when well trained over a long period of time--or if it is between two consenting minds, who possess an exceptional emotional connection, usually between lovers, and to a lesser degree, between family members--unusual cases have been known, where a parent used Hunter's mind to find a lost child, or a dying teacher allowed a senior student to use Knowledge siphon, so their work could be continied, but such things are rare.

•  Dream-walking: The power to delve further into a sentient's memories, to find deep and hidden parts of the mind, suppressed memories and forgotten dreams. Some use this ability to help those with trauma, but there are limits to how much a mind can handle such an experience. Sage possesses this ability, and used it to help Haane Joffine to break free from the control of the Sith known as Gitanna.

•  Warrior's sight: An ability taught by the most serious and dedicated martial artists, especially of the Sao'rin, who attain their second warrior's stripe (Sage only ever reached his first stripe). It allows one to read the nervous system of an opponent, to predict their movements before they happen. However, this ability is less effective against multiple opponents, and has no effect on droids, although most with this skill, generally have far more well honed reflexes.
Most Sao'rin refuse to teach this skill to those who are Force sensitive.
Some Gaians use this subconsciously and at random, but in tiny amounts, and usually it is when a Gaian is learning a physical skill, and seems to pick it up unusually quick, but in reality, was reading the movements of their teacher. A unique aspect of this was seen, when
Kaida, was dancing to some music, and managed to cause Sage to mimic her movements. Somehow she could sense Sage was reading her without realising it, and she took advantage. Sage has since learned to close off this ability, not that he could ever be effective with it.
Seikar Lai Kuroki of clan Gensai, a fourth stripe Sao'rin, and senior master of Teras Kasi, is proficient in this ability.

•  Hunter's mind: Often trained by Gaian law enforcement, and some Royal Guards, it is the ability to isolate a mind in a crowd, and for the most well trained, to track the residual psionic aura a target. Queen T'Merra, is exceptional in this skill, and directly teaches all high ranking members of the Royal Guard.

•  Voice of command: Considered a myth to all, save King Suran, this power allows a Gaian to telepathically reach many Gaian minds at once, to communicate, and has been used to command the military when needed, or to call for an evacuation, or similar. This skill can also be used similar to the Force power of Affect Mind, but King Suran has little use for such a parlour trick. It has however, been rumoured that Kaida may possess this skill.

•  Knowledge siphon: Considered a dark ability, it is very hard to find any who possess this power, and it cannot be used often. While all Gaians can read minds, this skill is used to "drain" the knowledge of a target--specifically, knowledge that the target has learned to a high measure. This does not erase the target's knowledge, nor can it ever be used to literally copy all knowledge of a sentient. Also, it is dangerous, as there is the risk of overwriting the user's own knowledge, depending on the amount of data taken, especially if it is used on multiple targets, to a large measure--using in small doses, poses a much lower risk.
The siphon of knowledge is not permanent, and if the user does not study in the same field as the target, knowledge can slow degrade and be lost.
Some Gaians use this subconsciously and at random, but in tiny amounts. It is common for a Gaian who is not of academic background, to "feel smarter,' when in the presence of a well educated person, but the boost to intellect, fades soon after leaving such company.

Darth Seer used this when he was held captive by the scientists involved in the Harbinger Project, giving him a very good base, when it came to studying genetics and metallurgy later on. Seer used this skill in small, controlled amounts much later in life, when he studied under Darth Galain, and Darth Eresh'kan, the latter he killed, and stole his identity.
Dark Jedi Siren, member of what was once Oblivion's Hand, was able to use the Force, to somehow compell Sage (a mere Knight at the time), to siphon her knowledge of the 13 Journals of Dark Jedi Set, intending for him to keep them safe, so her successor, could some day track him down, and take the knowledge back, as the Hand was falling apart as a group, and Siren had foreseen that Sage would live long enough for Seraph, to grow up, and one day find him. To this day, Sage cannot access this knowledge, but he is aware that it is present, and has been unable to remove it from his mind.





The average lifespan of a pure-blood Gaian ranges between 800 to 1000 standard years. 

Gaians age in much the same way as humans until they reach maturity. Once a Gaian becomes an adult, their ageing process slows dramatically - From ages 20 to 300, the physicality and outer appearance of a Gaian, is akin to a human ageing from 20 years to 30 years. From there, ages 300 to 400 for a Gaian, are like a human from ages 30 to 40, and so on, with a Gaian of 1000 years, comparable to a human of 100 years.

However, Force sensitive Gaians age differently, often living longer, or in some cases, much shorter life spans.
For reasons that are not yet understood, any Gaian who possesses the Force, seems to age based on what they call their sub-conscious residual self-image--essentially, they age, or cease to age, based on what their subconscious dictates.
It has been theorised, that Gaians with the Force, have the means to subconsciously regulate their rate of telomere decline, and in some cases, can replenish lost telomeres.
This is not something that Gaians can simply choose--it all points to what the Force-sensitive Gaian truly believes, deep down inside, where one cannot lie to oneself, to age, or cease to age, as they ought. It is not genetic, as even identical twins vary in this regard.

A Gaian male of 247 years, whose wife died in an accident, met a human woman and remarried and from then on, seemed to age at a rate similar to her. On his death-bed, he stated that the years spent were the happiest he'd ever known, and he held no regrets, shortly before he and his wife, passed away together.

On the other hand, there exists a Gaian known as
The Elder, who is said to be well over ten thousand years old, and yet looks like a woman in her 30s. The Elder lives in seclusion, and while she has known many lovers over the millennia, aside from them, and members of her bloodline (the number of which, is unknown), she takes very few visitors, and moves home often.
She is believed to have ceased aging completely, is very rarely seen on Gaia, and has held differing views of the Royal Family over the last five hundred years.
Her last known location, was the moon of Endor, with her harem. She has studied in many fields, but always found her love of herbal medicine, animals and forests in general, has always been her passion. She was the one who helped Sage through the loss of his first wife, T'Penn, when he was 27, and stopped him from killing himself.

These two examples are extremes, and it is far more usual for Force sensitive Gaians to live between 1500 to 3000 years.
It seems that the level of Force potential in a Gaian is not relevant, as there have been very few Gaian Jedi (Sage, Nate, Epsilon, Sora, and Tau-Kai/Tucker), and fewer Sith (Seer, also Epsilon). Nor does it seem to matter, if the Gaian is of the Light or Dark side of the Force.

It also seems to extend to half-Gaians, but is unknown whether or not, if this phenomenon exists in the children of half-Gaians.
This has raised the question of what will happen to Kaida, who does not possess the force, while her brother does, but as has been pointed out to Kaida, that all Iegan Avians and their children, need only take a short visit to Iego 7, to extend their already long lives.


•  Secondary eyelids: Gaians do not possess tear ducts, instead, they have nictating membranes--transparent (but darkened) third eyelids, that can be drawn across the eye from the medial canthus for protection and moisture, while maintaining vision, as well as reducing glare.

•  Binary heart system: Gaians have two hearts, both located in the chest area. Because of this, they never use sayings like "with all my heart," or "from the bottom of my heart," etc, but instead, use the word "liver."

•  Half-Gaians: When Gaians interbreed, the traits that can be inherited are hard to predict. In the case of Nathaniel and Kaida, the children of Sage and Jenine Bernadette Lencaster, one gained strength, the other gained full telepathy. One got gills, the other did not. Sora possesses full telepathy, while Tau-Kai/Tucker, has partial telepathy and moderate increased strength.
It's really all quite fascinating.

Weaknesses and limitations:


  1. Dehydration: A human can usually survive up to three days without water, Gaians can only survive one, and they are far less suited to desert conditions, and very arid worlds. They can however, survive on seawater, but such needs to be available to begin with.

  2. Telepathic vulnerability: Just as beings with low-light vision, are more vulnerable to bright flashes and glare, Gaians are more receptive mentally, and more susceptible to Force-illusions and Mind-tricks. This does not make them weak minded, but a Gaian must work harder than most other beings, to resist such attacks, especially if it is a benign mind-trick, like "These aren't the droids you're looking for." Trying to make a Gaian to do something extreme, like emptying one's bank account, or to commit self-harm, is more likely to trigger resistance.
    Gaians who are Force-sensitive and have training, have more means to defend themselves with. Those of low telepathic ability like Nathaniel, have less to worry about.


  3. Over-populated worlds, and pain medication: Younger Gaians who have not had time to train their minds, often suffer from harsh headaches on worlds like Coruscant, where the sheer quantities of minds causes great pressure, on their telepathically receptive minds.
    This can be overcome with time and training, but is not an instant process. Some pain medications can ease this, but such often inhibits their telepathic abilities, and can reduce their usually prodigious physical strength (For Gaians who exercise a lot, this does not bring them fully down to human level, but enough to feel a difference)--for this reason, Gaians often prefer the use of herbal medicines and accupuncture.
    There are devices that Gaians can wear, to inhibit telepathy in such cases, as an alternative to medication. Although, most Gaians who have trained, and are over a hundred years old, do not need such.


  4. Lackadaisical aquatic adaptation: Gaians who live exclusively on land, or in water, will find it very hard to adjust to the opposing environment. The ability to breathe in water, or on land, is never lost, but the ability to function well, when entering or leaving watert, needs to be maintained. On average, if a Gaian spends at least an hour or so a week, either in water, or on land, it is enough.


How such things affect half-Gaians, varies for each individual, for some, they are unaffected.




Gaian Culture:

•  Naming: Gaian surnames are the first name of their parent of the same gender, so Sage's birth name is Tan'akri Lai Suran, as his father's name is Suran, and "Lai" means "offspring of." This allows for a naming chain, to make family lineages easier to trace, eg: Nathaniel, Lai Tan'akri, Lai Suran and so on.
Daughters take the name of their mothers, while sons take the names of their fathers--unless the parent is seen as dishonourable for some reason, or there is some sort of falling-out, in which case, it is acceptable for a child to take the name of their other parent. Another exception exists, for Gaians who are transgender.
Orphans make take the name of an adopted parent, and also can take a clan name--eg: Seikar Lai Kuroki, of Clan Gensai.

Kaida took on her father's surname, but more because she is half Gaian, and her mother approved.

•  Clans: Some Gaians become part of families by way of oath, rather than marriage or adoption. It is common for Gaians who have fought side by side on the field of battle, or who become part of a very tightly knit group, or co-marriage. Seikar became a member of the Gensai Clan, when he saved the life of a Gensai.

•  Marriage and co-marriages: Gaians usually have arranged marriages. The boy and girl are allowed to get to know each other from a young age, knowing they are betrothed, but are allowed to choose whether or not, to go through with it at age 20. In the event of divorce or one becoming widowed, it is known for a Gaian to join an existing marriage, as a co-husband or co-wife. Usually, such co-marriages do not exceed past a third member, and it is unheared of for members of royalty to enter a co-marriage.
The Elder has been part of a number of co-marriages, but her unusually long life has led her to move past such things, and currently enjoys many partners, while being married to none of them.

The system of arranged marriages is not perfect, and there are those who use it for selfish purposes--to gain access to another family's riches, or position of prestige, and in the past, rulers have arranged marriages to establish alliances, but the latter has not been needed, since the reign of the blue-eyed Gaians, came to an end.
However, for the most part, Gaian parents are more likely to seek an arrangement that will ensure a good life for their child. Parents will meet and get to know each other well, compare their ideas of family and parenting, and often be like uncles and aunts, to the child that their own is betrothed to.

Sage (then known as Tan'akri), was betrothed to T'Penn, the daughter of General Lenka, one of Gaia's most respected military leaders, which greatly bolstered and improved the public opinion, of King Suran.

•  Outlander names: Gaians who choose to leave the homeworld, for a long term or permanent basis, are offered a new name in Basic, by the priesthood, one that aptly describes them. Examples of such names are The Elder, The Sage, The Huntress, and
The Blacksmith (B'Taran, the Gaian who learned how to craft Songsteel, a sabre resistant metal).
Seikar refused to accept such a name, because of course he did, and he's the Teras Kasi master who taught Sage, so if you want to make something of it, go for it.
When the priesthood finds a name has already been given, but would suit another, it may be extended with other words, like The Wandering Sage, or The Silver Huntress, or
The Dark Elder (The latter is an 8000+ year old Gaian, one who was evaded justice for centuries, as a serial killer. His appearance is quite monstrous, and while he appears old and grotesque, his physicality has not suffered at all. It is thought that he has been twisted by the Dark Side of the Force, and while he may go for years, or even decades without killing, he has stated that he will never stop, believing himself to be a predator who culls the weak and unworthy, and sometimes, those he deems evil, or annoying).
Gaians who leave the homeworld are few, and this custom does not apply to Gaians who only leave for work or study reasons, or those who travel between systems, as long as their primary home is Gaia.

•  Tattoos: Tattooing is a common part of Gaian culture, with some who use tattoos to denote family and or clan crests, but this is by no means a required custom, with some families who ignore it completely. Like many cultures, tattooing can be a means of self expression, but almost all Gaian people recognise the importance of using ink, to mark exceptional mile stones, the sort that most would see as highly noteworthy.
For Sage, when he first became a Jedi Knight, he had gotten
a large back tattoo of a fish, one know to swim against currents, which in Gaian culture, also symbolises courage, and strength of attaining goals.
When he became a Master, Sage gained a
dragon tattoo on his chest, being the Gaian symbol of wisdom and power.
Other Gaians have had similar styles of ink done, to denote exceptional achievements, and or life long goals.

•  The Rite of Survival - T'Tan-Rit: Gaians are considered adults at age 20, but only if they succeed in The Rite of Survival at age 19, where they are forced to live out in the wild for one full month, allowed nothing but their clothing, and a blade that they must make themselves. This blade can be whatever they think will serve them best, be it a knife, spear, axe, sword or machete. Some choose to make small knives that serve as utility items, in addition to an axe or machete, which is allowed.
Gaians are taught from a young age how to survive in the wild, and once they are away from society, can use whatever they can craft on their own.
While some have been known to help others who experiencing the Rite, it is frowned upon, but not strictly forbidden. Some say it defeats the purpose, others feel if one can enlist the aid of others, despite the circumstances, they have won in their own way.

If a Gaian gives up before the month is over, they can make a case to be given another chance, but only under extenuating circumstances. Those who fail are cast out, and often join the Wild Tribes--Gaians who live outside of civilisation, outside of Royal law and tradition.
Gaian youths can die during the Rite, and no one, not even members of Royalty, are exempt. Half Gaians are not expected to take part, but Nathaniel has stated that he intends to when he turns 19.
Some outside of Gaia see this tradition as barbaric, while others, have requested permission to experience it for themselves.

•  LGBT acceptance: Gaians are indifferent to matters of sexual preference and gender identity. What is not well accepted, is deception. If someone hides their orientation, it is seen as lying, as Gaians generally do not understand why someone would lie about their preference, when there is no stigma in their culture, over such things.
When it comes to arranged marriages, such things are often handled quite well, since a Gaian who knows from early on of their preference, is more likely to make it known well before they are 20 years old.
Cases have been known, where both the boy and girl, from two separate betrothals, have all revealed that they are homosexual, only to have the parents from all children meet, and arrange two new same-sex betrothals. As it is such a well accepted part of their culture, to trust parents in choosing a future spouse, this has worked well on many occasions.
Gaians who identify as a different gender, can take herbs and where possible, enlist the aid of a Dream-walker, who can help them to command their pituitary gland, to produce different hormones, which can lead to the Gaian not needing HRT, as long as they regularly meditate, and take specific herbs.

It is rumoured, but undocumented, for some Gaians who undergo this change, to find their reproductive organs also change. Some say it is impossible, as hormones do not have such power, but rare legends persist and come up every so often.

Statistically, it is unusual for this to have an affect on arranged marriages, as the other party will often have a few years to decide if they can accept a transgender spouse, and since the parents chose the partner, it is likely to be a good choice. Some believe that because the young Gaian can choose to reject the betrothal at any time, it is less likely for them to do so, because it is not forced.
Usually, rejections occur because of drama, not gender. However, it is not a perfect world, and some young Gaians are left alone at the altar at age 20, on the other hand, such Gaians have freedom to pursue whomever they wish.



Gaian language:

Gaian's speak Kotoran, the language they first developed on their original homeworld of Kotoral. This entry won't contain the entire Kotoran lexicon, but below are some known words, phrases and names.

  • Sai - Mystic, spirit or magic

  • Ri - Forest 

  • Tan - Survivor, survival 

  • Ak - Blue, sky, or colour of ocean during the day.

  • Tan'akri - Survivor of the blue forest, Sage's birth name

  • Ro - Red

  • Tō - Blade or edge of bladed item, tip of a screw driver, side of a door key. Can also be used for a shaving item. Can also be used for dagger, knife or sword, but other words for also exist for such items.

  • Miyamo - An island that faced oppression from the Wild Gaians. The occupants eventually overcame and ousted their attackers, thanks to one who earned the name Miyamotō, the sword of Miyamo.

  • Chu - Mystery

  • Kan - Power, ability, skill.

  • Sai-Chu-Kan - The Force, or literally: mystical powers of mystery.

  • Merra - Blossom

  • Suran - Restorer, redeemer

  • Kai - Depending on context, either an exceptional warrior of destiny, or a dragon. In some dialects, a demon.

  • Da - Little, cute, adored, or cherished.

  • Sa - Night time, shadow, darkness.

  • Kaida - Little dragon, or dragon that is adored and cherished.

  • Kaitō - Dragon blade, dragon sword, dragon fang or claw. Can also mean demon blade, but not as commonly used.

  • Sakai - Night time dragon, or dragon of shadows. Sa as a prefix instead of suffix, can be a regional dialect choice.

  • Abayo - farewell

  • Lai - offspring of, often used as a middle name, as Gaians do not have traditional surnames. In Old Kotoran, the terms Lek and Lekos were used instead.

  • T' - The. Often used in names like T'Merra: "The Blossom." 

  • Rit - Ritual, rite, tradition, ceremony.

  • Tan-Rit or T'Tan-Rit - The Rite of Survival.

  • B' - Not clearly defined, it is used in some regions to denote a child who is named after a friend or family member, who is deceased, so B'Taran was named in honour of someone named Taran, who passed away.

  • Sao - Temple, sacred place.

  • Sao'rin - Temple of the Rin province, also the name of one of Gaia's most popular martial arts.

  • Pen or Penn - Silence or silent one. T'Penn, Sage's late first wife was so named, because she was born mute, and was thus named, The Silent One.

  • Sho - Depending on context, alcohol, poison, or antiseptic, usually called Ai'sho. 

  • Sho'pen-Tash - Name of an assassins order, who are based in the Tash province, who follow a strict code, and only target corrupt and evil people.



The world of Gaia:

Gaia is planet of lush forests, mountains, continent spanning rivers, some oceans, and underground lakes. There are forests of various vibrant colours, including red, blue, gold and purple. 
While there are developed city areas, Gaians learned from what happened to their original world, and have kept their society eco-friendly. Outside of cities are towns and villages that are always designed to have as little impact on the environment as possible.

Even with this in mind, Gaia's overall technological development is on par with most space-faring worlds. Clothing is often made to be completely water resistant and repellent, and their melee weapons forging techniques are among the finest in the galaxy.

Gaian swords and vibro-weapons can be as sought after and valuable, as Wookiee Ryyk Blades, Corellian Cutlasses, and Sanyassan swords.
Because of their lifespans, buildings are always made to last, or at least to be easily portable, since a lot can change in a couple of centuries.


Some of the native species include:

  • Great-Eagles - Giant sentient avians who possess human level intelligence, and telepathic abilities, that are compatible with Gaians. They generally stay away from developed areas, and Gaians respect their territories. There are some rare occurrences of Great-eagles and Gaians that work together, not as a pet and owner, but as equals, where the Great-eagles allow specific Gaians to ride them through the air.

  • Spirit-Foxes - Vulpine mammals that can change the colour of their fur at will, usually for camouflage. They are highly intelligent for animals, and some allow themselves to be semi-domesticated, meaning they allow themselves to be kept as pets, but on their own terms. Gaians who keep them as pets, ensure their foxes can come and go at their own leisure, but reward this freedom with fierce loyalty. 
    Their intelligence is such, that Gaians who are patient enough, can learn to read their thoughts, and teach them limited levels of language.


  • Mountain Eagles - Birds of a more regular size, they possess intelligence similar to Spirit-Foxes, and some allow themselves to be kept as pets, by Gaians and Great-Eagles alike. The latter often use Mountain-Eagles to kill pests, especially insects, arachnids and vermin, that often target their nests. 
    They have feathers that are usually dark brown or black, and have uniquely shaped tail feathers, that form and outward facing point.


Gaian history:

Gaians settled on Gaia long ago, when Kotoral, their first world, flooded after the event known as the war of the gods, where they fought alongside the ancient space borne entity, known as the Sky-Seraph, against tyrannical beings who had oppressed the people of Kotoral for centuries, demanding worship and harsh tribute, lest they face terrible plagues or pestilence.
These beings had first come to Kotoral, posing as gods, and many believe, that their similarities to the gods of Naboo, that they were actual deities. When the Sky-Seraph reached out to them telepathically, across space, it taught them how to create weapons needed to fight back, but at great cost, as the war ravaged their planet, causing terrible climate change, leading to an inevitable global flooding.
It is because of this war, that Gaians often say when talking about religion, that their ancestors killed their gods, and all that is left, is the religion of compassion, of morality, and of peace. The Sky-Seraph is not worshipped, only revered, and studied.

The Sky-Seraph, a being whose race had been decimated by the same god-like tyrants, knew the Kotorans could succeed where it could not, as some Kotorans could wields the power of the Sai Chu-Kan (loosely translated as "mystic/spirit powers," their word for the Force), to make weapons, and to fight in the Sai-Anera ("arena of the spirit"), while also harnessing the power of their combined telepathy, as added power.


The full details have been lost to history, and scholars argue to this day, of what actually happened, how the Force was used, and such--as the Sky-Seraph, refuses to this day, many millennia later, to discuss those days. Indeed, there are few it communes with anyway, outside of the highest members of the Gaian priesthood, and The Elder.


Sage has only ever been spoken to by the Sky-Seraph once, with two simple words: "Kill Solen," when he had doubts on the night before the Battle of the Throne Room, when the Jedi defeated the Dark KoN, as Sage had hoped to end the conflict without blood, and had never killed before.

What is known, is the Sky-Seraph helped them, knowing what would happen, but had planned to help the Kotorans migrate to another planet in a nearby system. It was at this time, that Serinak, a geneticist, came upon the idea to force his species to evolve, by using a gene-altering virus, that would cause the Kotorans to regain their dormant amphious abilities, but they left Kotoral anyway.

A new civilisation was settled on Gaia, a planet of lush forests, mountains, continent spanning rivers, some oceans, and underground lakes. They learned to live in harmony with the only native sentient species, the Great-Eagles--giant avians who possess telepathic abilities, that are compatible with Kotorans--now called Gaians.

The Sky-Seraph has remained in nearby to the world of Gaia, never leaving the solar system.

Serinak's virus took effect, only affecting the Kotorans, causing their bodies to develop amphibious traits. As they could still live on land, this affected them very little as a species, but some saw an opportunity, to live underwater, and there are a few towns that can be found in lakes and oceans.

Gaia has thrived since then, although it has not been without its share of internal conflict, civil wars and such, but for the most part, it is today, a peaceful world, one that has stayed out of galactic conflict, and remains absent from almost all star charts.

Now you know some of Gaia's rich culture and history, and yet this is a mere fraction of what there is to learn.

Gaians and half-Gaians with profiles that have been mentioned on this post:



Known Gaian

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