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Semro Dhahov


"You know you're a pilot who does their own repairs, if.."

  1. You regularly say "Oh, it's supposed to look like that."

  2. You've done a 14 hours of work when you aren't flying the next day.

  3. Your hydro-spanner is better than what's in the supply cabinet.

  4. You wash your hands before you use the refresher.

  5. You can distinguish engine lubricant, droid cleaning oil, and sealant, by taste alone.

Name: Semro Dhahov

Birthplace: Duro

Height: 5'8" / 172 cm

Weight: 158 lb / 72 kg

Eyes: Red

Hair: None

Citizenship: Republic

Marital Status: Single


Education: GRF Academy graduate. Has training in starship and speeder engineering, and pilot training for both, starfighters and larger ships like the CR90 Corvette, or rather, he can aid in piloting, as larger ships need more than one pilot.




Occupation: GRF Pilot / Starship engineer

Bases of Operations:


  • GRF Barracks (where ever he's currently stationed)

  • GRF Capital Ship

  • GRF Outpost on Naboo

Force Alignment: None

Sexuality: Straight




Species: Duros


The Duros (pronounced /Dǒǒ'-rōs/) were humanoids with smooth blue-green skin, red eyes, lipless mouths, long thin noseless faces and green blood. Olfactory organs beneath their eyes were responsible for their sense of smell.
Both females and males were bald, though both genders were easily distinguished. Their large red goggle-like eyes also had slit pupils. Duros females laid eggs as they were descended from ancient reptiles, and like the Neimoidians, they were born in a larval grub stage, but unlike their cousins who left the raising of their young mainly to the state, the Duros took care of their offspring from birth.

It was said Duros had a photographic memory when it came to the telling of tales and stories. They also have an affinity for space travel, and intuitive space astro-navigation, as they first invented hyperspace travel.
Revered as pilots, explorers, engineers and mechanics—most Duros are physically weak compared to most species, but possess keen intellect.



Transport: T-65B X-wing starfighter

























Manufacturer: Incom Corporation

Line: X-wing starfighter

Length: 12.5 metres long

Mass: 10 metric tons


Maximum atmospheric speed: 1,050 kph

Engine unit(s): Incom 4L4 fusial thrust engines (4)

Hyperdrive rating: Class 1

Hyperdrive system: Equipped

Power plant: Novaldex 04-Z cryogenic power generator



  • Chepat "Defender" deflector shield projector

  • Deflector shield generator

Sensor systems:

  • Carbanti transceiver package

  • Fabritech ANs-5d "lock track" full-spectrum transceiver

  • Melihat "Multi Imager" dedicated energy receptor

  • Tana Ire Electro-photo receptor

  • Long range PTSA #PA-9r

  • Short range PTAG #PG-7u

Targeting systems: Equipped

Navigation system: Astromech droid



  • Taim & Bak KX9 laser cannons (4)

  • Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers (2)

Crew: Pilot (1), Astromech droid (1)

Consumables: One-week supply

Life support: Equipped

Communication systems: Equipped

Other systems: S-foils


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