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Krykna Clan Space Pirates
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"As I was saying before my underling interrupted me, we'll be boarding your ship now, please present all valuables."

Named after the very large arachnids of Atollon, the Krykna Clan are a band of pirates, consisting mostly of Nikto warriors. Led by an advanced combat droid known as the Dread-Pirate Captain Green-eye, the Krykna Clan operate mostly in the Outer-Rim and in Wild Space.
Their operations mostly involve boarding luxury ships and robbing them, at times they'll go after cargo vessels, but only if they're dumb enough to cross into their territory. They sometimes capture high value targets to sell to slavers, but only if the reward is worth the effort.

They also run an arena on the northern continent of the planet MJ12, with both, willing and unwilling participants, where captured warriors can fight for their freedom, as others fight for credits, while spectators place bets on the outcomes of fights.

This arena also serves as a base, for when they're not out raiding luxury liners.


The Krykna Clan use a Dri'n class attack vessel called The Locust, which houses their fighters and boarding ships, the latter similar in design to CR90 Corvettes, but smaller, and made for piercing the hulls of targeted ships.

The Crew:

Lead by Captain Green-Eye, an advanced combat droid that defied its creator, gifted with advanced computational and analytical capabilities, built in weapons, combat-grade targeting sensors, armour plating, combat-grade mobility and physicality.

He was discovered by the former captain, not yet activated, in a warehouse on Chimera. The former captain planned to use him as his personal bodyguard, but learned the hard way, that Green-Eye had other plans, and that the reason the droid was left inactive, was its programming revealed made him impossible to control.
Green-Eye refused to comply and challenged the former captain, subsequently killing him. The droid took command, and has never been happier.

The Krykna Clan are mostly Nikto, of varying sub-species, although there are a number of non-Nikto beings that serve among them. 

Blood-thirsty buccanneers, all of them greedy for booty and plunder, they're a wandering terror of the Outer-Rim. Better hire some escort fighter-pilots!

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