Rix Dakrya - NSF Officer

"Rix is driving, Rix has seen your speeder."
Name: Rix Dakrya
Birthplace: Gand
Height: 4'11" / 150 cm
Weight: 154 lb / 70 kg
Eyes: Silver
Hair: None
Citizenship: Nubian
Marital Status: Single
NSF training
Mercenary training.
Galactic Basic - Can only speak if using a special aparatus, but can otherwise understand it well. He always wears one when on duty.
Cromagian - Limited conversational ability, learned from Helena Aoera.
Affiliation: Naboo Security Forces / NSF
NSF Captain / Law enforcement officer
Former leader of a lawful mercenary group, he was a mentor to Helena Aoera. His group disbanded during the Naboo war, as he enlisted in the NSF, finding it a planet worth fighting for.
He sold his ship, split the credits among his former comrades, and has served Naboo ever since.
Bases of Operations:
Naboo apartment
NSF Headquarters
Force Alignment: Unknown if he is force-sensitive.
Sexuality: Seems disinterested.
Species: Gand - Lungless subspecies.
Large compound eyes.
Chitinous exoskeleton.
Very short compared to most species.
Has ear-holes, instead of normal ears.
Often wears a mask that contains an MGB (muscular gas bladder) that allows him to speak in Galactic Basic.
Has three fingers on each hand.
While he's polite as most Gand are, he is not always as soft spoken, due to his line of work.
Never refers to himself in the first person, as it is the height of arrogance to do so in Gand culture, unless one had proven themself worthy, by making many incredible feats and achievements—Gand must earn the right to even refer to themselves by family name, or even their given name.
Rix has been able to refer to himself by his given name, since he attained the rank of Captain within the NSF.
Enhanced eyesight: Gands possessed large, compound eyes with a visual range that included the ultraviolet spectrum and afforded excellent night vision; however, they could not perceive colors in total darkness.
Their eyes are shielded with a keratin substance that served to protect them from airborne debris, such as that present in a sandstorm.
Stamina: Gands need only a fraction of the sleep normally required by Humans.
Regeneration: Gands possess regenerative abilities. One would normally be able to regrow a severed arm within months, if assisted by a bacta cast. The exoskeleton would appear more pale and chalky in hue than normal, until the regeneration process was complete.
Lungless: Rix is a member of the Lungless subspecies, and does not respire, but instead obtains his necessary metabolic ingredients through the ingestion of food. The ingested materials aided in gas exchange and waste would be passed through openings in the exoskeleton—because of this, he often prefers to eat alone, or will excuse himself to be alone, so his emissions do not subject others, to what most consider to be an unpleasant odour.
The advantage of this, is he is immune to poisonous gases, although he can't survive in the vacuum of space.
Durability: The Gand chitinous exoskeleton, is a natural, durable armor that allows them to shrug off injuries that would cripple most other species. Rix is capable of such things as:
Resistance to most nerve or pressure-point strikes to the neck and shoulders, due to extra protection in the clavicle region.
Punching through plastoid armour—this has raised some questions, about whether or not, if he's a Findsman, as such a feat is usually only possible for Gand who are trained in Gand martial arts techniques of Piercing Touch and Striking Mist, that are usually reserved for Findsmen.
Rix claims to not be one, although he admits there is some gap in his memory, prior to his arrival on Naboo.
Surviving a fall from a three-storey window, with minimal harm.
Surviving the brunt of a lesser explosion—but not at point blank range, nor if it were something like a thermal detonator's incineration blast, or similar.
Being shot in the shoulder, without much concern.
Can't speak Galactic Basic, without the aid of an apparatus: Lungless Gand make use of an MGB / muscular gas bladder, that allowed them to draw in and expel gases at a controlled rate through the exoskeleton. Pieces of the exoskeleton would then vibrate to approximate speech.
If Rix is without his MGB, he can't communicate with most beings, unless they speak Gand.
Unique body shape: When in need of such things like protective clothing, especially helmets and gloves, they must be custom made, or they won't fit him. Even buying normal clothes, is hard for someone of his height and build.
High shelves are his greatest enemy.
S-5 heavy blaster pistol - Always carried and usually set to stun, and always fully loaded with ten anaesthetic/paralytic microdarts. Fitted with a two scopes, and a liquid cable dispenser.
Retractable vibro-spear - Carried often, the haft can extend or shorten in length as needed. The weapon is fitted with a shield emitter, that can protect the spear from energy attacks, including lightsabres, but this feature prevents the vibro function of the blade, so he can have vibro-blade cutting power, or energy defensive capability, but not both at the same time.
BlasTech DC-15 blaster rifle - Carried when anticipating heavy combat. Can fire up to 300 shots on maximum power.
GRS-1 snare rifle - Used when chasing down a suspect. Made by Merr-Sonn Munitions, it's a non-lethal weapon that fires a shock/stun spray.
This weapon requires two cartridges to operate; a shockstun mist canister and a liquid spraynet dispenser. The cartridges can fire up to twelve shots before requiring reloading.

NSF Air-speeder.
Click to enlarge.