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Codename: Shikra

Name: Jannah Maroun

Age: Unknown

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 121 lb

Eyes: Dark brown

Hair: Dark brown

Citizenship: None

Occupation: Assassin for hire, former Echani student.

Base of Operations: Mobile - use her ship as a base and home.

Transportation: X-70B Phantom-class starship.

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Training: Echani martial arts, Sakiyan archery


Species: Iegan Avian-Venandi ("angel" hunter augmented variant) - Born an Iegan Avian, she was captured and experimented on, to see if the same augmentations performed on Iegan Corruptus and Nocturna (often called "demons" and "dark angels"), could also be achieved with the feathered wing variant of the base species, as they previously seemed immune to alchemical genetic alterations.

She possesses the following traits:

  • Flight: She can achieve sub-sonic speeds of flight using retractable feathered wings that extend from her shoulders, and can fold away against her body, compressing to the point of appearing as skin markings. As a result of her flight ability, she can breath in thin air common to high altitudes.

  • Enhanced physicality: Increased agility, she can leap twice her own height and perform acrobatic feats. Her reflexes and physical strength are at a level similar to a peak human athlete, who engages in regular intensive exercise.

  • Hunter sight: With concentration, she is able to see in the infra-red spectrum and in low light conditions, but not total darkness.

  • Hunter stealth: With concentration, she can regulate her breathing and heart rate, slowing both down to being far less detectable by life sign detection.

Equipment and Weapons:

  • Assassin garb of Verpine fibre-mesh, made of subdued colours to blend easily in the shadows. Her hooded coat is made of durable fire-resistant material and is equipped with an attachable air filter veil.

  • Throwing knives concealed in her quiver, sword sheaths and boots.

  • Lockpicks and neuro-toxin laced flechettes in wrist bracers.

  • Smoke pellets on her belt.

  • Twin scimitar short-swords - one Sith blade made by Darth Seer, impervious to lightsabres. The other, a vibro-sword, designed to match the former, used when cutting power is valued over sabre resistance.

  • Compound bow - with various arrows: standard, explosive, smoke, flash-bang, knock-out gas, tranquiliser, tracker, rope, vibro-blade tipped, stun, bola, incendiary, infra-red marking powder, and blunt tipped.

    The bow has an alternate firing mode, that allows it to fire energy rounds, similar to an energy bow--these rounds are bright and loud, and hit with the impact of a bowcaster quarrel, but completely lack stealth, so this mode is used only for its fire power, during an assault based mission, or if Millie has tripped an alarm, again.

    She has a limited number of arrows: On average she usually carries between 20 to 30 arrows total, at a time--she may carry up to 50 in a warzone or similar, but that would be the maximum.
    The above list is not what she carries at all times, but an idea of the assortment she has available most of the time. Some jobs or missions may call for specific arrow load-outs, depending on whether she needs explosive power, or stealth, or if she's tracking a specific target.


  1. Low light vision will not work in total darkness, there must be some ambient light available. She can see during the day, but is more vulnerable to intense glare, like light reflecting off a lake during daytime.

  2. Infra-red vision and hunter stealth need concentration to work and are thus less effective during combat.

  3. Hunter stealth is not absolute and will do little of anything against Masters, and is not effective at close range. Infra-red vision can be used during flight, but not hunter stealth.

  4. Her wings are brightly multi-coloured, making them highly visible and not viable for stealth. She will often resort to rooftop acrobatics instead as a result, when she needs a subtle approach.

  5. As a spawn being augmented by Darth Seer, light side powers can cause her great pain, including healing.



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