“An animal may be ferocious and cunning enough, but it takes a real man to tell a lie"
There are times when Darth Seer needs to meet others while presenting himself as a Sith Lord, but not with his true identity.
Darth Eresh'kan is said to be over 600 years old, a tall, but hunch backed being of unknown species. He is known in the Sith Order, as a reclusive, eccentric, physically decrepit, possibly insane, Sith alchemist, who never shows his face, and takes few visitors.
He is found only when he wishes to be. People who find this darksider, do not do so by accident.
May rumours surrounded Eresh'kan, some say he is a spirit who merely possesses his armour, others say the name is passed on like a mantle, no one knows for sure.
Seer killed the original Lord Eresh'kan before stealing his knowledge, resources, and identity. He pretends to be physically frail being of unknown species with respiratory issues, and limited mobility, needing the use of a walking cane, and one who prefers using his command of the Dark Side in combat, more than weapons.
He has many lairs on various worlds, dark, dusty dwellings with bubbling vials, dissections in progress, ancient scrolls and the like scattered about. Those who wish to meet with him, must usually be blindfolded and brought to him, as he guards his privacy well.
His personal guard are beings created using remnants of Massassi DNA, warriors who obey only Eresh'kan, who possess powerful physicality, and ferocity in combat. Unlike the original Massassi, these beings do not possess the force.
Their numbers are insufficient to count as an army, but they are more than enough, to serve as his personal guard.
In addition, he is in possession of at least one large Tuk'ata Sith hound, that is often by his side.

No one else knows that the real Eresh'kan is dead.
The armour he wears is the former armour of Darth Eresh'kan, containing echoes of his spirit, and is rumoured to be capable of serving as a vessel for a Sith spirit. Seer has not yet tested this, but has considered the potential benefits of possessing the armour, if his body were killed.
Armour features:
Helmet—Lined with reflec, its features include:
Encrypted com-link
Vocal modifier
Air filter
Sealing function - when activated, the helmet uses built-in A99 air capsules containing two hours worth of air.
Protective visor, including an adjustable glare reduction lens for his right eye.
Gauntlets—Also ined with reflec, they are adorned with micro-porous metal spikes, that release hallucinogens on contact.
The left gauntlet has been fitted with a concealed wrist-computer, with a holographic display.
Boots—Magnatomic soles.
Lightsabre—Long ornate handle with pale green blade.
Sith cane-sword—A concealed and narrow straight bladed sword, marked with runes, it is hidden in the walking cane of Eresh'kan. He carries it for both, style, and a precaution, in the event of being in an energy dampening field - one can never be too careful.
Other items:
Hooded robe - Made of flame resistant material.
Hypoinjector wristband - Worn under one of his gauntlets, it injects Seer with a substance that causes no harm, but alters his body scent, to prevent identification from beings with enhanced olfactory senses.
J'Kar's Echo—Named after an ancient Sith, this Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop is Eresh'kan's personal vessel.
It is rarely used, only being needed when Seer must meet with others as Darth Eresh'Kan, away from his hidden lair. Fitted with both, hyperdrive and a solar sail, it is truly a vessel befitting the status of such a revered alchemist, and has the advantage of not leaving an ion trail, when using the solar sail.
When travelling in this vessel, it is piloted by a droid, as driving is too menial a task for a Dark Lord.