About two hundred years prior to the war of Naboo, Cinos was discovered in the Unknown Regions, by a Gaian rescue team, who were responding to a distress call from a ship that had crashed there.
The rescue team found the survivors being tended to in a cottage, in a small town, who reported they were quite well, save for being stuffed with crumpets.
Since that time, an alliance between the Gaians and the Cinosians, was quickly established, and a small colony of Gaians and Gaian Great-Eagles, now reside on this world.
In turn, Cinosians have made use of their Gaian allies, and some have left their homeworld, to explore and experience the galaxy.
Their technology is quite primitive compared to the rest of the galaxy, although they have made some advancements, using Gaian technology, but their culture is such, that most of the population, is content with what they already have.
In addition to the Gaian colony and Great-Eagles, other species have made their home on Cinos, as well, as the Cinosians do not have a large population, and have kept a low impact on their environment. All newcomers have been welcomed, provided they conform to such standards.
All Cinosians can speak at least three languages: Cinosian Common, their sub-species dialect, and Galactic Basic. It is common for many to also speak Kotoran (Gaian).
Settlements of Lepi, Kushiban, Balinaka, and Selonians, have formed on undeveloped areas of Cinos, and have fit in well.
All Cinosians are primarily bipedal, but most can use their forelimbs to aid in mobility, and have physical and sensory abilities comparable to various Terran equivalent animals.
There are numerous sentient sub-species native to Cinos, with the most common known being:
Quillback (hedgehogs)
River-dweller (otters)
Burrow-folk (moles)
Bufonem (toads)
Mapachtli (racoons)
Quillback - Average height: 2 to 4 feet. They are known for their spines, which are hollow hairs made stiff with keratin, and are very mobile, flexible and can curl into a tight ball shape for self-defence, or to roll down hills.
They all have the ability to hibernate when food is scarce, possess excellent low-light vision and olfactory sense, and have some natural immunity against some poisons, through the protein erinacin in the creature's muscular system.
Due to their tendency to roll, they are resistant to the effects of vertigo.
Due to their small size and natural flexibility, athletic Quillbacks can attain exceptional acrobatic agility, provided regular exercise is maintained.
The possess small sharp claws, primarily for digging, but can aid in climbing and combat.
Their spines, while not poisonous, will often spread bacteria, if they pierce skin, despite the best hygiene habits. Quillback tailors are legendary in their ability to craft clothing that can withstand damage against their spines, although not all Quillbacks wear clothes.
Due to their low-light vision, they are vulnerable to bright lights.
Their size means low muscle mass, and they are much weaker than most humans, and unable able to pilot most vehicles, as they can't reach the pedals. Custom vehicles do exist, but are expensive.
Their small hands have difficulty using larger tools and weapons.
River-dweller - Average height: 4 to 5 feet.
Aside from their size, they have much in common with the Balinaka. They are excellent swimmers, have four-fingered hands with webbings between each digit, ending in sharp claws, and webbed feet with three forward-facing toes and a fourth, rear-facing digit. They can survive quite comfortably on land and in icy cold waters, and have high metabolic rates to help keep them warm.
As an amphi-mammalian species, they're able to extract oxygen in both environments thanks to their dual respiratory system, having gills and lungs at the same time. Their faces Their eyes have a degree of color sensitivity far exceeding that of Humans, and a series of membranes that allow them to filter light at will. River-clan can adjust their perception so they could even look at a shiny white ice sculpture directly in front of a blinding light. That characteristic also allowed them to see through darkness as if there was broad daylight.
(More details on the other sub-species, will be written when I have time, or can be bothered).