"Don't run, you'll just die tired."
Table of contents:
Name: Brak Karver of Clan Rass
Birthplace: Wayland
Height: 6'0" / 182 cm
Marital Status: Widowed (alleged)—his late wife, Kia Wraith of Clan Rass, was reported killed during the Mandalorian civil war, with her armour recovered and genetic evidence of her death. As Kia was the previous Mandalore, some Mando'ade have asked Brak to become the new Mandalore, a title he has rejected.
Upon Kia Wraith's reported death, the clans had since divided into separate factions, with none daring to claim leadership.
Some have noted that Kia's body was never found, only her helmet, but how anyone could have survived the explosion, none can say.
Education: Trained and taught by Mandalorians before their more recent civil war, and before the splintering into factions.
Galactic Basic
Falleen - Limited conversational ability, just enough to make sure he doesn't get screwed in negotiations, as he's worked for Falleen employers before.
Affiliation: Mandalorian / Mando'ade, this is the way.
Occupation: Mercenary - takes on the following jobs:
Bounty hunting (prefers legal, but will discuss illegal)
Private security
Private military
Whatever pays best and fits his personal code of honour, he will do it. He has little to no interest in espionage or assassination, unless the target is a major dick.
He's not a private investigator, so don't ask, but he isn't opposed to locating people, since bounty hunting involves a similar skill set.
Bases of Operations: The Cutlass, a YT-2400 light freighter, that Brak uses as a mobile base. On worlds with Mandalorian enclaves, Brak will at times, use such locations, as a temporary base.
Force Alignment: Non-force sensitive
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Ragean—An offshoot of the Epicanthix a near-human species native to Panatha. Rageans, like the Epicanthix, possess powerful builds with powerful musculature due to a cultural focus on physical training and combat readiness.
All Rageans have a natural unconscious talent to shield their minds from Force-assisted mental tricks, influence, domination, and mind reading.
Rageans have a life expectency of two to three hundred years, and their faces are not as long as the average Epicanthix.
Cybernetic Mods:
Before Kia's reported death, Brak was badly injured during a cowardly assassination attempt of the Mandalore.
An explosion was set off during an armistice, just after the opposing faction conveniently left early.
The warrior did not hesitate to protect his leader, and threw himself before the blast, surviving only due to his armour, but was still mortally wounded. To save his life, he was given experimental cybernetic enhancements of the highest quality and cost. The work was done by an Arkanian scientist called Lanius, and a result, has granted Brak these mods:
Bavakar Physicality System 2.0: Increases his physical strength, movement speed and reflexes, by twice that of a peak human athlete. He can double this effect further, for short periods only, but doing this requires the mod to take time, to cool down and recharge, before it can be used again. When in use, he is able to leap or jump between three to five metres.
This mod also improves his eye-hand coordination, allowing him to dual-wield blaster carbines, and retain actual accuracy.
Navardan X10 "Immortality" Regenerator: Grants increased cellular regeneration, to heal minor injuries, as well as giving resistance to disease, poisons and radiation, but only to moderate levels. He can use this to heal more serious injuries by entering a meditative state, but must remain that way until either recovered, or taken to a medical bay, leaving him otherwise vulnerable—this will not help him as much against illness or toxins, if he was infected or poisoned, before the mod was activated.
Even when not in active use, it has a passive effect that increases his longevity, to an unknown amount, but it has been speculated that he can bolster this effect, by eating healthy and exercising—also, the mods must remain undamaged to do this.
The mods he has can only be activated one at a time, although he can switch between them at will, and the Navardan implant has a passive effect.
Because of his mods, he is vulnerable to EMP attacks and force lightning, which disrupt his cybernetics.
Most electronic sensors can detect cybernetics, making it harder for Brak to hide his identity, and some business establishments ban cyborgs from admittance, similar to how some ban droids.
Mandalorian Armour:
Made with plates of Beskar, these incredibly durable plates can withstand low level blaster fire, and possess limited protection from lightsabres (one or at most, two hits per area, before needing to cool).
They are worn attached to a fibre-mesh suit, and are both coated with colour mimetic nano-lining, allowing the suit and metal plates to change colours, from black, red, blue and forest camouflage. Black with red trim is the default setting, but can be set to all black for night-time stealth. Other colour settings are used for changing his clan crest when needed.
The suit worn under the armour possesses atmospheric control capabilities, protecting the wearer from extreme weather conditions, like extreme cold, desert heat, and even the vacuum of space, with a twenty-four hour oxygen supply, using A99 compressed air capsules.
Each section of the armour in detail:
Helmet—Fitted with:
Air filter
Macrobinocular viewplate with night-vision, thermal imaging vision modes and tactical displays
Built in comlink
Antenna tipped with a rangefinder that could be pulled over the viewplate to enhance imagery
On the sides of the helmet are search lights, for normal light, red stealth light, or infra-red.
Jetpack—Mitrinomon Z-6 model, Fast and nimble, the Z-6 model could maintain sustained flight, as well as offer the wearer short bursts of lift in order to gain a tactical advantage during combat. It had a maximum vertical height of seventy meters, and could be equipped with a top-loaded, rocket firing missile.
Jetpack is not always equipped for some missions, due to its weight and bulk.
Boots—Fitted with magnatomic soles and concealed forward facing retractable spikes.
Kneepads—Fitted with rocket dart launchers, with a 25 metre range. Each knee pad can fire two shots each, and ammo must be manually loaded first.
Ammo-types available:-
Nerve toxin (Malkite or Fex-M3)
Molecular acid
Stun agents
Mini-explosive tips.
Left gauntlet—Fitted with the following:
Czerka Corp ZX flame projector
Comms system
Dur-24 Wrist blaster—Comparable to a standard BlasTech blaster rifle in terms of power, with had a range of fifty meters.
DV-8 Repulsor unit
Kelvarex MM9 rocket launcher—25 metre range, single shot, with ammo options including:
Type-12A Anti-Personnel
Type 12B Stun rockets
DX4 Anti-droid
VTI Smoke grenade.
Right gauntlet—Fitted with:
Energy shield projector—In addition to the standard blaster deflection granted by this item, Brak had his shield upgraded to absorb energy from weapons like the Arc Pulse Generator, and other electrical attacks, which will actually charge the shield's strength.
Grappler whip fibrecord launcher—25 metre length
Motion detectors
Sabredart launcher—Four round capacity, can fire various ammo types (ammo must be selected beforehand):
Gloves—Fitted with electromagnetic weapon summon-palms, and knuckle-plates.
Chest armour plates—Beskar'gam plates lined with micro energy field emitters, and two layers of thin ceramic plates that disperse physical and blast impacts, reducing likelihood of injuries and knockdowns, but the protection is not absolute, and powerful explosions will still post great danger, and Master level force pushes will ignore this defence.
Click to enlarge.
Arakyd Industries Quad-shots - A pair of quad-barrelled blaster carbines, they are Brak's primary firearms, and can be loaded with various ammo types:
Standard tibanna gas plasma rounds
Stun rounds (9 metre range)
Armour piercing slugs
Explosive slugs.
When equipped with tibanna gas rounds, each pistol has a capacity of 50 shots, and can be set to single shot fire, or quad-fire, sending four shots at once.
Blastech A-240 blaster rifle - When Brak needs range over stopping power, this sturdy rifle, used often by Republic Army infantrymen, has a range of 300 metres, with 240 shots per fuel cell.
Equipped with a scope, this gun can be dragged through mud, or filled with sand, and still fire a shot. Somewhat heavy, weighing 4.6 kilos, it is carried for specific missions only, usually with an enhanced targeting range finder attached to his helmet.
Melee Weapons:
Ragean ceremonial dagger - A customised vibro-blade, made with a curved handle to suit a unique knife-fighting style, and coated with Beskar (Mandalorian Iron), it has limited resistance to lightsabres (3 to 5 hits at most, before needing time to cool).
Sith long-sword & short-sword - A pair of alchemically augmented swords that are impervious to lightsabres, they were payment for a job commissioned by a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Eresh'kan.
Carried often, especially when anticipating conflict with lightsabre wielders, but not for all missions, due to their size.
Taung hunting knife - A relic of the ancient race who were the first Mando'ade, this knife was discovered by Brak at a dig site, where he'd been hired as security detail by archeologists. As he found it, he was allowed to keep it as a bonus for his services.
Always on his person, strapped to his leg, or holstered by his boot, the serrated edge is lined with microporous barbs that inject neurotoxin on contact.
Brak owns a JR-4 Swoop-bike, and a YT-2400 light freighter, with the following specs:
Maximum acceleration: 2,860 G
Maximum speed (atmosphere): 1,150 km/h
Engine unit: ion engines
Hyperdrive rating: Class 0.75 / Backup Class 8
Hyperdrive system: SoroSuub Griffyn/Y2TG hyperdrive unit
Shielding: Power-boosted shield generators (248 SBD)
Hull: Reinforced titanium armor (102 RU)
Targeting systems: Sienar Fleet Systems combat computer
Navigation system: Equipped
Countermeasures: Enhanced sensor countermeasure package
Dymek heavy dual laser cannon turrets (2)
Concussion missile tubes (2)
Standard load: 3 missiles each
Minimum crew: 1 (Pilot)
Passenger capacity: 6
Consumables: 2 months