Pax Krekteg

"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor."
Name: Pax Krekteg
Birthplace: Troiken
Height: 4'4" / 132 cm
Eyes: Black
Citizenship: Republic
Education: Equivalent of high school graduate, qualified tailor of ten years.
Galactic Basic (uses a translating-vocoder, as he can't speak Basic, but understands it)
Occupation: Tailor who is skilled in constructing, altering, repairing, or modifying garments for customers based on their specifications, needs, and preferences.
Bases of Operations: Tailor shop in Theed that also serves as his home.

Force Alignment: Non-force user
Species: Xexto
A small centrally located torso along with a long neck and small head.
Six limbs - four arms with six fingers each, and 2 legs with ten toes each.
His brain is split in two parts, with one part in his skull, and the other in his chest.
Xexto are very agile, as they are an arboreal species, and evolved to survive against predatory Challat Eaters, by using agility and cunning.
Translating-vocoder - item worn to help Pax speak languages like Basic, as his vocal chords can't handle it.
Ocular magnification eye-wear.
Measurement scanner - for quick measurements, although he prefers to use a measuring tape.
Hold-out blasters - He owns four of them, with at least one kept under the counter. They are rarely used, but he trains at a local firing range at least once a month, and is skilled quad-wielding, a talent that came in handy during the Naboo-Galactic War, and keeps his shop safe from would-be robbers and ne'er-do-wells.

Ever since he was a young Xexto, Pax Krekteg had a dream of working with clothes, designing, making and altering.
After completing an apprenticeship with a Duros tailor on Coruscant, he moved to Naboo and opened his own store, just a year before the Naboo-Galactic war, but his shop was very close to the home of Sigrún Osmond, a journalist and secret force user, who defended her apartment building while wielding a lightsabre, who refused to let the war bring destruction fo her beloved apartment building, which by extension, brought some protection to Pax's shop.
Ever since the end of the war, Pax has had a soft spot for wielders of lightsabres, regardless of the colour of blade, even if it is red, and gives them discounts for his services.