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Ylurka  the Hutt

"Bargon wan che copa."

Name: Ylurka the Hutt

Birthplace: Nal Hutta

Height: 5'9" / 175 cm


Length: 12'9" / 390 cm

Weight: 3306 lb / 1500 kg

Eyes: Yellow

Hair: None


Citizenship: Nal Hutta

Marital Status: Single

Education: Raised by the Hutts, with about 500 years of life experience



Affiliation: The Hutt Cartel



  • Crime boss

  • Slaver

  • Substance trafficker

  • Leader of his crew

  • Secret underling of Zhansana Tahjin, a Sith Lord and former Night-Sister, serving as her eyes and ears in the criminal underworld, who in return, allows Ylurka to live.

Bases of Operations: Fortress on Sakiya.

Force Alignment: N/A


Sexuality: Let's not go there.


Species: Hutt.


  • Indigestible: Not even a Sarlaac will eat them, if they swallow one, the Hutt will get spewed out.

  • Enhanced sight: Ability to see ultraviolet light that was invisible to Humans and most alien species. Often, wealthy Hutts lit their palaces in these spectra of light, giving intruders, or at least those without similar abilities or compensating equipment, a false sense of stealth.

  • Enhanced respiratory system: Hutts were physiological anomalies as they possessed traits from many different species. Similar to sea mammals, their nostrils could close and their large lungs allowed them to stay submerged underwater for hours at a time.

  • Enhanced durability & constitution: A Hutt's skin was perhaps its greatest defense as the epidermis was able to resist all but the most corrosive of chemical substances. Furthermore oil and mucus sweat made a Hutt difficult to grasp as its body was slippery to hold. Should anyone manage to grab hold of the body or manage to puncture the skin, heavy layers of blubber and muscle protected the vital organs from harm. In addition, the slimy coating of sweat and mucus protected them from either chemical burns or heat.
    Hutts were resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fell ill. Perhaps most remarkably of all, Hutts could even regenerate body parts when injured.

Regular crew:

When you might find at Ylurka's fortress on Sakiya.

  • Two bodyguards, a Dowutin and a Togorian.

  • Translator droid.

  • Astromech droid.

  • Numerous Gamorrean guards.

  • Sakiyan hunters - Sarbak Mhosus is a regular sight among his people.

  • Numerous slave girls, Human, Twi'lek, Chiss, and Zeltron.

  • Random mercenaries who he hires on occasion.

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